Wednesday 27 February 2013

Map 568 Nine Star Ki for February 2013 - 2

Learning more about yourself and were you put yourself on that ladder is what February and May are all about.

Take for example the North position in February it holds 1/7 and the North position in May holds 1/4 4 and 7 are interchangeable but 1/7 is also connected via 7/1 the reverse image both have a strong connection to the North position for February and May as would 4/1 from February. Therefore we need to look at the West section of February which is 7/4. So as a nine star ki myself of 1/7 I feel I need to look more closely at the SE and North of February and the North and West of May. Lets draw up some aspect lines.

Looking at February and May from my own perspective of 1/7 the focus is on wealth and prosperity or growth of a new idea. 7 - West is flowing creatively towards 1 – North and then 1 – North is flowing creatively towards 4 S.E. But 7 – West is also flowing anticlockwise towards the S.E. And this is going to cause a clash or a loud bang at least. Change is coming to the 4 – S.E. Area during February and May. All 1 – 4 – 7's. 7 is trying to stop 4 from creating 9 which in turn controls 7 so who can blame him, self preservation. Perhaps 7 is damaging 4 because it is in spend, spend, spend mode. It wants 4 to make more money and skip the fame and success part of it and as a number 1 fame and success are not important to me that might work out well. More money please to spend on that property ladder.

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