Wednesday, 24 May 2017

The X Factor within the Crystals of DNA Hexagrams and codons

Take one Codon of DNA in this case TGC and place it at the centre forming the X it spreads outwards in the same way that the crystals are formed you see all the codons that appear in your crystal in this case its the 1/1 – 9/9 Crystal.  

So we see here TGC at the centre and it spreads outwards to the upper right with GCG, 
CGA, GAT, ATA, TAC, ACG, CGC.............and so on in all four directions. Within these
codes read left to right we also see that the codons are the same read from bottom to top in
any is very much keen to reproduce itself with the pattern of the X. 

The 1/1 - 9/9 crystal contains TGC, GCG, CGA, GAT, ATA, TAC, ACG, CGC, GCT, CTA, TAT, 
ATG..........the 12 codes of the crystal. All can be seen in the pattern above. 

Any crystal can be formed by taking the letters C - T - G - A you copy the last two letters of the previous codon then take the first letter and move it on one this case TGC gives us the last two letters GC the letter T move one step forward from T to G and this creates the next codon GCG. Carry on in this way until you have 12 codons and then your 13th will be TGC again. This is the upward or downward to the right Jang way of doing it if you wanted to move to the left either up or down then it becomes Jin energy and that is created by taking the first two letters TG and then working the letter C backwards and creating A.....thus you have now created the next codon in a jin direction of ATG. 

This pattern carries on into infinity but if you drew the map it would simply be lines of one colour
in rows.............
So simple the deck chair pattern starting at TAC and ending on CGC as the X above does
but it shows that all the spaces in between are coloured in exactly the same way. 

How does your X Factor look x 

Monday, 22 May 2017

The 64 Hexagrams of The I Ching and DNA Codon Equivalents

Here we have the 64 codons of DNA or 64 Hexagrams of The I Ching…..the six lines of a Hexagram are formed from two numbers of Nine Star Ki. E.g. we start at Hexagram 1 GGG which is 6/6 in Nine Star Ki. Every 7 years the top or sixth line changes moves to the bottom or the bottom line changes and moves to the top depending on which direction you are taking. So I suspect this is where the phrase the 7 year itch comes from. I Ching…………iching……….Itching………for change.

In DNA T and A and C & G sit opposite each other but in the Hexagrams and their opposites T becomes A and vice versa but if there is a C or G in the Hexagram then only T & A will change C or G remain unchanged. If the hexagram is made up of only C’s or G’s then they do change into each other. The exceptions to these rules are marked with a *………….these Hexagrams are called alerts because they do not conform to this standard for example Hex 51 GCC sits with Hex 52 CCG but should be with Hex 58 GGC.

So of 64 codons only 4 sets of two hexagrams do not conform to the standard pattern required. When you put these Hexagrams into the Crystals you can see they clearly fit and form there own patterns but not until you flip over the right hand side of the crystal do you find they now conform to the usual patterns of DNA T and A and C & G all swop sides. So there is no longer any alert to speak of. 

There is much to see in these Hexagram patterns………enjoy and if your own codon is an alert check of what your alternative life might have held.x

Sunday, 21 May 2017

The Musical Tones of DNA in 64 Codons

These are the musical notes associated with each of the 64 Codons / Hexagrams in The I Ching and DNA.......

Do you play a happy tune or would be best placed raising some notes or lowering others to be more harmonious. x

Jigsaws and their Dominant Energies

In light of the earlier listing re jigsaw moves very much like the petals on a rose so imagine the jigsaw with roses growing from the centres of each jigsaw piece you can now see how dominant parts of the jigsaw interfere with the flow of the jigsaw piece that it penetrates...... sending the otherwise peaceful pattern into some form of chaos.

Those pushing South or upwards are meeting with a flow of the rose energy that is downward.... and those moving East are moving into a Westerly direction of the rose itself..........opposites causing obstruction. x

192 Lines of The I Ching as DNA Lines

All 64 codons of DNA have 3 lines each in various colours .....  4 colours to choose from in sets of 3 colours becomes 192 lines.

The codes start at Hexagram 1 on the left hand side at the middle and carry on all the way around the circle until all 192 lines are given..................

Large version.............

Smaller version.........

Life is so colourful. x

CGT 1/4 Hexagram 59

All 64 Codons can be presented as an umbrella this particular one is Hexagram 59...Codon CGT and Nine Star Ki 1/ creates the amino acid Arganine.... Sits in the South West facing North East.... it belongs to the double crystal.....and is in the Water section of the I Ching Word map...... musically it has the notes D# F# G# .....all sharp notes....played on the black keys of the piano......the planets associated with CGT are Mercury and Jupiter.........big ideas creates the aspect shape 90* x 60* x 150* which is known as The Teacher........who knew an umbrella could contain so much information ......

Another example would be Hexagram 47...Codon TGC and Nine Star Ki 1/7 it creates the amino acid Cysteine...sits in the North East facing South West... it belongs to the 1/1 Crystal... and is in the Fire section of the I Ching Word Map... musically it has the notes C F# B ...Planets Mercury Venus.... a beautiful mind perhaps... it creates the aspect shape 180* x 150* x 30* which is known as the Ruminator (R can sometimes be pronounced L is some languages) I like that idea.....

In this particular example the umbrella shows its rear view also and its matching Hexagram partner Codon CGA (match with Crystals) it would match with DNA as GCT but I wont confuse that here.

So umbrellas like Feng Shui offer us Cover and Support protect us from the rain or help us to float along on the waves in difficult times. xxx

729 Pieces of The Bagua based on 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 at the Centre

Just a map of the bagua in 729 pieces for those of you out there who like to embroider patterns.....

Of course any of these sets of 729 pieces can be put together and create a 6561 set and so on the bagua can be recreated into infinity......and no doubt beyond. x

Saturday, 20 May 2017

The Jigsaw of Life through Nine Star Ki Baguas

Above we see the Bagua for the number 5 at the centre..........any row will add up to 15 the number of the Magician, hence it also being known as the magic square. Each of the numbers pushes their way through the you can see number 1 in the North position has two dominant points in its jigsaw piece and two submissive points. The dominants push upwards or South and to the left or East so Northern energy is pushing in a South East direction in a dynamic or dominant way and is submissive in the North East. Number 8 in the North East position also moves in the same manner. 3/4 move in a South West direction, 9/2 move in a North West direction and 7/6 move in a North East direction.

We have the receiver based at the centre of a bagua it appears in this shape only once...........we can add to the bagua into infinity but it will only ever have that one receiver at the centre. Then we have four jigsaw pieces SE, SW, NE and NW.......but in truth there is only one shape in different positions. So just two pieces of jigsaw can create a bagua of millions of pieces.

This pattern is a simple way of showing the movement around the centre.......

A bagua can be just 9 pieces, or 81, 729, 6561, 59,049,  531,441, 4,782,969 into the millions and just these two shapes can complete the puzzle. many other patterns can be found within the bagua's and when even just one of the pieces is in the wrong place it doesn't take long to spot it. I hope the pieces of your jigsaw fit nicely together and create the perfect life for you.

These parts are pushing up or down left or right whereas if the jigsaw shape was as below they are pushing and pulling at the same time so will be going nowhere. This number 9 centre shows clearly the pattern in the number 9 which helps you to spot mistakes.

Note the pattern of the lilac parts representing number 9. xxx

Monday, 15 May 2017

Nine Star Ki Years and their Purpose

The Nine Star Ki numbers in the 9 number positions...........

Note that 7 supports 1 which supports 4 which is controlled by 7

Note that 3 supports 9 which controls 6 which controls 3

Note that 2 – 5 – 8 are all Earth energies and therefore have no control
or support positions.

In the set of numbers 3 – 6 – 9 there is more control or transformation
and change.

In the set of numbers 1 – 4 – 7 there is more support or creativity.

Could we observe from this that in the 2 – 5 – 8 Earth energies the Earth
is balanced at the centre but in the 1 – 4 – 7 the Earth is pulled towards
the Metal area of the chart and with 3 – 6 – 9 the Earth is pulled towards
the Tree energy of the chart.  

So during years with 1 - 4 or 7 at the centre are the more creative and 
productive years ..............2 - 5 - 8 are the balanced years.........with 
3 - 6 - 9 being the years when we break down old ways .... manifest 
new energy to be used again .......... a transforming energy sometimes
the word destructive is used but we will all experience tough times when
everything around us falls apart but that may seem destructive but if you
stay focussed you can rise phoenix like from the ashes and start all over 
again in those creative years for 1 - 4 - 7 be ready when the good
times roll and make something special. x 

Friday, 12 May 2017

Division of The Birth Chart 45* 72* 90* and 135*

I am the 8

Little is written about the division of the chart by 8 but it has a wonderful flow to it.
Jesus is also known as 888 which equates to wealth and success when we are able to manifest
through our own talents. The God within our Hearts manifest on Earth.

 You have the circle with 8 x 45* measured within it denoted by the 8 red lines.....

The Blue lines denote the aspects formed by a 135* measure.....leaving us with

                 16 blue lines......with an eight sided shape to the centre.

                  90* + 45* = 135* and also 180* - 45* = 135*

The 45* aspects are the midpoints of 8 red lines of (90*) known as semisquares and
squares, the midpoints of the blue (135*) lines and 72* shown in green are known
as sesquiquadrate and quintiles......with the exception of the quintile aspect they are
not known for being easy aspects but they are active and productive. The midpoints
(45*) to the cardinal points are at 15* of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius and are said
to combine the energies of Heaven and Earth in a manner creating life or matter. The Bull
and the Lion on Earth and The Eagle and The Angel above......electromagnetic fields are
also said to be at their most dynamic in the 45* angle and are capable of manifesting God
on Earth through his descent through these gateways where his power is then released.
What better way to use aspects than to manifest beauty on Earth through the power of our own creation. Find your God within and manifest that energy at every opportunity. Your idea of
Heaven on Earth will be very different from another persons you do not have to conform.
God wants you to have the ability to manifest your inner heart outside and all that you are and surround yourself with is a measure of who you think you are and what you have achieved.
Its not about running the finest charity on Earth it can be about manifesting small things that
you find to be beautiful.....for example I went into a shop recently and they had the old Apple computer M9843LL/A on the desk and my heart skipped a beat.........the beauty and simplicity of
its design is still to be beaten.  I send out a message to The Universe for Apple to have
a retro revival and recreate the visible outer appearance of this computer with todays
more up to date workings. Things of beauty that make your heart sing can be material
things and only things you love and adore should take up space in your home. The
Darcy chair by Rachel Ashwell is another thing of beauty that has manifest in my home.
Your children will of course be your greatest creations. Manifest what makes you
happy for happy people on Earth is for the benefit of us all. . . . . the more the merrier.

So difficult aspects are required to create the potential for you to make the most of your
life and live it to the full..........don't let that energy go to waste when all that you could be
is just there waiting to manifest will a little help from you.  You have the quintile aspect to 
help make it happen start today. x  

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Nine Cubes creating all 9 Bagua numbers ................

Nine Star Ki Crosses with the bagua numbers at the centre of each cross........this particular set is laid out with Number 5 at the centre but you can move the crosses positions to suit any number at the centre. The four elements of DNA fit nicely into the gaps........each cross contains 6 sides of a cube each with 9 colours or numbers on each face so each cube is 54 parts with 9 crosses giving a total of 486 colours/numbers. If you fold each cross upwards and create a cube you realise that there are just 9 x 27 cubes in each of the crosses 27 x 9 = 243 cubes in all. . . . . .

There are so many patterns hidden within the crosses note for example the inner corner of the four corners all contain the number 5's ......other corners show opposite number much to
see within the pattern. x

Monday, 8 May 2017

I had a Dream.............

I once had a thought, I thought of it often and now that thought has a mind of its own and I can no longer influence its passage, now it thinks for itself. So I think a thought and that thought is now having thoughts, so a thought I may have been the original seeder of has a life of its own…….where it may go is anyones guess but I have been a part in that thoughts creation and its future creations. So thoughts become things but thoughts also become thinkers. This in turn is what we call the Life Force……the longer you think on a thought the more likely it is to become a thought form. A thought you can focus on without feeling any resistance to it becomes physical matter. The Universal energy is the mass or substance from which all thoughts and thought forms manifest by attracting the energy required to each thought to see it through to fruition. The energy of attraction. We are magnetic attractors all our atoms turn to point northwards like North Stars and if our world becomes influenced by patterns of disruption our own atoms become misaligned and we are no longer constants to be depended upon.

 “For I am constant as the North Star…….of whose true fixed and resting quality there is no fellow in the firmament” (Shakespeare)………unless of course my atoms are not balanced and harmonious and I become a very unstable quality. Stable or unstable, like Jin and Jang of the I Ching I am in a constant state of change and flux whilst maintaining balance wherever possible. The best way to test a persons true and fixed personality is to put them in a situation that makes them uncomfortable and watch how they respond. We can all appear to be North Stars until something rocks our boat and how we respond or behave at this time determines our Northern Star capabilities.  How bright is your star. Remember also when things come to you they may well have originated from you years ago and have only returned to you now.  Don't let your dreams get lost in space. x 

Master the Stream of Data that is your life........

Life is a data stream of time…… any thought that has been had or will be had can be accessed by thinking of the past or creating the future……….I access my past and think about something that once happened and I notice something in the room I had not noticed before………..therefore I have access to data at all times whether or not I have the common sense to see it is another thing ….sometimes I can access the same situation ten times and still not notice the gun on the side table ……………then I realise how things could have been so very different ……………..the future must also be able to be accessed in the same way…………think about what you want add to the picture increase your connection to it…….make it happen …………..the stream of data can be mastered. We are all carbon based data filled with emotion which in turn plays a large part in how we live out that data. Data is an invisible vibration, a ghost from the past which can still have an effect on the present and the future. Take a photograph negative, that is a ghost of the past, it also develops over time,  you look upon yourself today and think happy days or who is she. Depending on the vibration the negative gives you. Contain your thoughts to attract only the best of data…sometimes thats tough but we must try………..if something is pushing you in life don’t put up resistance and push back, step aside and let it pass or pull it to you and face the music. Today you are the best you have ever been, believe it or not you are always more than you were the day before. Once you understand your inner self and your own workings life can’t be anything but thrilling and exciting. Feel the flow of that stream and master it. x
Energy moves very much like the petals of a Rose. x 

You can be over come with emotions from the past e.g. Vera Lyn does that mean the emotion is out there waiting to resurface, once created it exists forever.  Do emotions once released just hover forever in space able to return to a new situation when required or do they transform into another energy……….you can imagine anger once collected into a group could be used again during war times…… therefore is certainly an energy worth having both now and in the future. Cultivate it. x 

Sunday, 7 May 2017

The Ho Tu or The Word of The I Ching based on 28143976

This is a map of The I Ching and its 64 Hexagrams shown as DNA Codons, Nine Star Ki numbers, Amino Acids, Hexagram numbers, Sitting and facing positions in the Bagua, Crystal it belongs to, Element it sits in, Musical notes it makes, Planets associated with it, Aspect dimensions which create the aspect pattern or name it belongs to. Much can be made with the data of The I Ching. x