Take one Codon of DNA in this case TGC and place it at the centre forming the X
factor............as it spreads outwards in the same way that the crystals are
formed you see all the codons that appear in your crystal in this case its the
1/1 – 9/9 Crystal.
So we see here TGC at the centre and it spreads outwards to the upper right with GCG,
CGA, GAT, ATA, TAC, ACG, CGC.............and so on in all four directions. Within these
codes read left to right we also see that the codons are the same read from bottom to top in
any column............it is very much keen to reproduce itself with the pattern of the X.
The 1/1 - 9/9 crystal contains TGC, GCG, CGA, GAT, ATA, TAC, ACG, CGC, GCT, CTA, TAT,
ATG..........the 12 codes of the crystal. All can be seen in the pattern above.
Any crystal can be formed by taking the letters C - T - G - A you copy the last two letters of the previous codon then take the first letter and move it on one letter.........is this case TGC gives us the last two letters GC the letter T move one step forward from T to G and this creates the next codon GCG. Carry on in this way until you have 12 codons and then your 13th will be TGC again. This is the upward or downward to the right Jang way of doing it if you wanted to move to the left either up or down then it becomes Jin energy and that is created by taking the first two letters TG and then working the letter C backwards and creating A.....thus you have now created the next codon in a jin direction of ATG.
This pattern carries on into infinity but if you drew the map it would simply be lines of one colour
in rows.............
So simple the deck chair pattern starting at TAC and ending on CGC as the X above does
but it shows that all the spaces in between are coloured in exactly the same way.
How does your X Factor look x