The first is in the Blue Water quadrant of the I Ching. Each crystal has 3 of its codons in each quadrant and the double crystal is split into left hand of the crystal and right hand of the crystal. The diamond crystal contains only one in each section denoted by the little diamond shape.
The first crystal is the 6/6 - 2/2 crystal which is coloured in grey in the map below.
That is followed by the 1/1 - 9/9 crystal which is coloured in blue.
Then we have the 8/4 - 7/3 crystal which is coloured in orange.
The left hand side of the double crystal is coloured in purple.
The right hand side of the double crystal is coloured in green.
The diamond is magenta and diamond shaped.
We can see from the images that the 6/6 - 2/2 and the 1/1 - 9/9 crystal move in a linear manner both horizontally and vertically.
The 8/4 - 7/3 and the double crystal all move in a more dynamic triangular manner.
The diamond crystal is just one dot on the map in each section together they create a diamond shape... but singly they like a centre point or focus point for that particular element or quadrant.
The first section is Blue Water and is associated with the letter C in DNA because all of its codons will start with the letter C. The numbers 2,8,1,4 dominate here.
6/6 crystal codons are ... 2/2 - 2/8 - 2/4
1/1 crystal codons are .. 1/1 - 8/1 - 4/1
8/4 crystal codons are .. 8/4 - 2/1 - 1/2
Left hand side Double ... 4/2 - 8/8 - 1/4
Right hand double.......... 8/2 - 4/4 - 1/8
Diamond crystal one point only 4/8
The second section is Orange Fire and is associated with the letter T in DNA because all of its codons which start with the letter T. The numbers 2,8,1,4,3,9,7,6 are all available here.
6/6 crystal codons are ... 2/6 - 8/6 - 4/6
1/1 crystal codons are ... 1/3 - 1/9 - 1/7
8/4 crystal codons are ... 2/9 - 1/6 - 4/7
Left hand side Double ...2/3 - 8/7 - 4/9
Right hand side Double . 2/7 - 8/9 - 4/3
Diamond crystal one point only 8/3
The third section is Yellow Tree/air and is associated with the letter G in DNA because all of its condons begin with G. The numbers 3,9,7,6 dominate here.
6/6 crystal codons are ...6/3 - 6/7 - 6/6
1/1 crystal codons are ...3/9 - 9/9 - 7/9
8/4 crystal codons are... 7/3 - 6/9 - 9/6
Left hand side Double... 9/3 - 3/6 - 7/7
Right hand side Double..3/3 - 9/7 - 7/6
Diamond crystal one point only 3/7
The final fourth section is Green Earth and is associated with the letter A in DNA because all its codons begin with the letter A. The numbers 2,8,1,4,3,9,7,6 all are available here.
6/6 crystal codons are ...3/2- 7/2 - 6/2
1/1 crystal codons are... 9/8 - 9/1 - 9/4
8/4 crystal codons are... 6/1 - 9/2 - 3/8
Left hand side Double .. 7/8 - 3/1 - 6/4
Right hand side Double.. 6/8 - 3/4 - 7/1
Diamond crystal one point only 7/4
I will show the full image here and we can examine it more closely in future writings.