Monday 10 August 2020

Nine Star Cubes and Crosses

Sometimes its difficult to see a pattern emerging from The I Ching….if it took 7 years before the itching became noticable but for some patterns it has taken me much much longer. Hexagrams to DNA for example took me a couple of decades. I simply couldn’t see how they connected……….once I did many avenues opened up to me. Currently I am looking at the cross or cube of Nine Star Ki patterns. If I give you the face of a cube you have to fill in all six sides of the cube making sure that all numbers 1 to 9 appear on each face. Sounds easy enough give it a whirl. 

So we start her with one side of the cube filled with Nine Star Ki number positions with number 1 at its centre. Now you need to fill in the other 5 sides making sure all numbers appear 1 to 9 on each side. No peeking till you have tried to fill it in yourself.

So now we have all six sides of the cube or if we open it out cross. Here I give you some clues into how to fill the cube or cross in more easily. Take all four corners and draw a line to its opposite will find the same numbers ...obviously number 1 is at the centre on all six sides...there is also an attraction of North to the face on the left bottom row middle is the number 6 is the position of North and next face around from it the same number 6 appears in the South position. That South position has a relationship with the West and take the next face around and in the west position you will fine 6. In left hand face East position we find the number 8 which we see again in the North position of the next face which we already know has a relationship with the South so it is in the South position of the next face etc., So North and East are closely related and South and West are closely related if you look closely East is just another face of the West cube and North just another face of the South cube.

Lets see how much easier it is to fill in the blanks on the cross. The same rules apply just in an open cube.

Fill in the cross with the same laws as you will fill in the if you have the position for North in the left hand branch of the cross you know it should be the same as the East position of the right hand branch of the cross. Corners relate to each other too. Have fun and no peaking.

So if you fold this cross up into a cube you should have the same patterns as the cube above. Remember corners relate, North connects to East, South connects to West. Observe how in the cross above the outer branches or arms correspond to the outer edges of the centre part of the cube 6 in the SE connecting to 6 in the NW of the opposite side and so on. Enjoy the same rules apply no matter what number from1 to 9 you place at the centre.

Triangles within cubes. . . Notice how the corner numbers create X’s and not triangles like the cardinal points do.

Enjoy x

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