Thursday 6 August 2020

Up and Down the Garden Path with DNA Crystals

This is a way of showing the 6/6 - 2/2 Crystal of 12 Codons of DNA.

C.    T
A.    G


We can find our first crystal of 12 codons by starting literally at the beginning with Hexagram 1.
This is GGG 6/6 Hexagram 1. To make a crystal you start with the GGG and move to the next one by taking the last two letters GG and then the first letter is moved once around the map above. So G becomes A so the second DNA Codon is GGA 6/7 and so it goes on until you have all 12 codons and it then returns to GGG. So if we create a crystal here we will get the following... a DNA Codon and its nine star ki numbers

GGG 6/6
GGA 6/7
GAA 6/3
AAA 6/2
AAC 7/2
ACC 3/2
CCC 2/2
CCT 2/8
CTT 2/4
TTT 2/6
TTG 8/6
TGG 4/6 

Now we have the 12 codons and their 9 star ki numbers now we need to change the Nine Star Ki numbers to nine star Ki I Ching Lines. 

Take a look at the pathway above the first stepping stone is GGG 6/6 then we move onto GGA 6/7 and so on until we reach CCC 2/2 at the end of the path......then we turn around and come back down the pathway and we see that the lines are now upside down but they read the letters or lines we need to continue the same crystal. Finally we reach TGG 4/6 and then GGG 6/6 before turning again and heading up the path again. This makes life so much simpler so to make all 3 of the 12 codons we can do just this and it will work. The Diamond crystal has just four codons but will work in the same way. The double 24 codons will also work but two paths alongside each other would be required. Sometimes in the creating of ornamentation we can hide our codes and patterns in plain site. We only ever need to know half the story to be able to guess what the other half would read. Enjoy creating pathways or other forms of patterns for others to discover. X. 

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