Tuesday 11 August 2020

The Flip Required to Make all DNA codons match up to the Crystals


Here we see the twelve DNA Codons of the 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal 
If we write up the DNA letters into a vertical line on each side we will find they do not match despite clearly matching within the crystal. No problems all you have to do is take the bottom peak and the five codons down the left hand side and flip them over thus moving ACG to the bottom of the line.
We see below that when we flip one side over it becomes an oblong shape rather than a crystal the peaks now join at the top and all the dna letters now match.

For example TGC bottom left now matches with ACG and in all the crystals these laws are required. I wonder were in a string of dna we can find the point were we would flip them over.

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