Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Pairing of the years 1 and 9 with a Solfeggio Frequency

Here we have the 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal we know that 1 and 9 have a strong relationship not least because they each pair up when it comes to years. A 9 year is always followed by a 1 year and any musical tones that did not appear in the 9 year will appear in the 1 year……..together they can play all notes.

Lets take an example of my own DNA Codon TGC 1/7 in the bottom left hand corner or the third house as it is also known in astrology. TGC 1/7 Hex - 47 Hydrophobic and produces cysteine. It partners up with Hexagram + 48 which sits opposite it in the bottom right hand side of the crystal shape. This is 4/1 CGA - hydrophilic, producing Arginine as its amino acid. 

TGC 1/7 and CGA 4/1 are a pairing but if we were lookiing to match TGC to its 9 year partner. 

So look to column 1 for the number 1 and the number 7 is in March n my case which gives it the Solfeggio frequency of 7 4 1. If I look to the number 9 year and the month of March I get 9/4 which gives it a Solfeggio frequency of 7 4 1. The same frequency.

9/4 also appears in the 1/1 crystal above in the top right hand corner….9/4 ACG Hex -22 Threonine amino acid. 

So when it comes to a frequency it also has a partner or the other one of the pair and in my case the 1/7 partners with the year before 9/4 both playing the same tunes. So it would bode me well to read up on TGC 1/7 Hex 47 and ACG 9/4 Hex 22 if I want to know that little bit more about myself.

So match up your DNA Codon to the partnered year and month and see what more information about yourself you can glean. X 

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