Monday 19 August 2024

The Work of Bruno and Louise Huber in The Geometric World of Astrology

I read negative comments about Huber Astrology not giving enough detail etc., There are many shapes in the aspects for Huber, I work with only 8 of them but we are all entitled to do things our way. When you study the work of Bruno and Louise Huber it is not something where you can pick up a book and work out how to read a chart. It’s an experience that grows the more you study astrology in general but in the case of the Hubers it is definitely a geometric experience. If someone reads your birth chart it will be flavoured by the experiences they are having eg. Just had a fight with their husband then they read your chart. Chances are it will be a very red reading, if they just got back from a spa weekend it might well be a blue reading and a combination of life experiences will be green. Same reader, different life experiences. So in my opinion the joy of Huber is that you are the astrologer that reads your chart best. In the study of geometry and astrology you open channels in your brain that were not there before you started and it is in these channels that you learn to understand astrology as much bigger than your birth chart. Your chart is like a molecule that started with your life and it ends up being the whole world and everything that's in it. You won't have these experiences unless you put in the hours and hours of study required to understand astrology. It works on a much deeper level than meeting a tall handsome stranger ever will. So before we criticise The Hubers for being simpletons merely because we do not understand the Huber process is unfair……Huber Astrology is simple indeed if you prepare the ground and it is not the work of a simpleton, far from it. I am sorry I never got the chance to meet the Hubers and admire their work because it is second to none in the world of astrology. If you read a book and expect it to tell you who you are based on the shapes in your chart then you are missing the wonderful experience you have when your world opens up to astrology in all its shapes and forms. Read your own chart; it’s the best reading you will ever have. Its great for holding Alzheimers at bay too lol x   

Thursday 8 August 2024

Your Birth Chart and The Crosses you have to Bare


This is the image of my birth chart showing a crucifix type cross at all the points that the lines cross over. 

Two green lines, red or blue crossing create a cross of one colour. Red and green create a brown cross, blue and green a light green cross, red and blue a purple one. 

So we have red, blue, green original colours and secondary colours, purple, brown and light green.

My chart contains a double Ruminator and a double Magician hence its ability to spread out… chords try so hard to play only beautiful music. 

As each line creates a chord from one side of the circle to the other as it crosses with another line data is said to be stored you can see from the lines above my chart is a busy one and moves to most parts of the chart. How would yours look in a similar pattern. X