The characteristics of the number are reflective and reactive. Think babbling brooks and tsunamis, never underestimate the qualities of the number one and its ability to change in the blink of an eye. Where did that come from, a common phrase used around number ones. Water is one body the world over which is why it is vital we all play our part in keeping it pure. Water retains the memory of all that has gone before. This can apply to your personal life too as keeping a good reputation is very important to you, clean and pure please makes for a happy number one. Water can be stored beneath the ground and is in the air that we breathe. Up and down actions denote water. The purity of the water we drink is connected to the Earth, porous sandstone for example purifies water as it runs down below ground in vertical rivulets. The more solid the sandstone the more likely you are to be flooded by too much rain that cannot be absorbed. So too much or too little water can be problematic. Finding balance in your water ways is vital. When water comes up against an obstacle in life it finds ways to get around it and little can hold it back when it decides to move. Sexual in nature water loves the closeness of being at one with another human being whilst on the other hand loves the serenity of being alone. It can be dark and secretive which can be attractive or standing alone determined to make themselves heard on an issue they hold dear. So changeable, lively and positive or gloomy and negative. Catch them on a good day and you will not be disappointed, hell and high water on a difficult day. Number one people often advance in life onward and upward to the fame and success of the number nine but are not afraid to return to zero point and start again if things don’t work out. Number one energy sits opposite number nine energy and they work like a partnership of attraction to each other. They have patience so success comes through their own efforts. 1 and 9 add up to the perfect 10 and when they are balanced meet up in the centre at the number 5. One drop of water contains all the data that the oceans contain like a super conductor that can access all areas. One energy does not like to be pushed around or controlled by others as that can create an energy nobody wants to be around. Number ones will take the lead if required but are happy to put their ideas forward and see them activated by others. That said if you don’t cut the mustard they will ask you to step aside. They have a wide circle of friends because knowing all is one why wouldn’t you befriend everyone and learn something from them. They are not clingy with friends though and set you free to see them when and if you want to. Hence their friends are often from very different backgrounds and may not always see eye to eye. Number one’s are not party animals because bringing their friends together may not be that great a mix. You might meet a Prince or a Vagrant and everyone in between. They try to get things done and finished, full stop. Then move on to the next thing. They are very career minded, work is good for their health but beware becoming overconfident or letting ego set in, water has to be free running and not controlled so if your ego steps in and wants to be admired by the masses it will then find itself contained and it won't be long before it returns to working alone and getting the results they want rather than entertaining the masses. Sounds like a scientist in his/her lab making discoveries. Cancer is the feeling variation of water, Scorpio has the desire to make discoveries and Pisces believes everything is possible. All water signs that have their own modus operandi but at the end of the day they are all water. Of one mind and body. So if they feel - the desire - to believe there is nothing they cannot do. Feng Shui is all about Wind and Water, flip those W’s and you have Mind over Matter, something the number one knows a lot about. If it is conceivable in the mind then anything is possible. If you are a number one person then don’t waste all that you're capable of. Bring something to the world, of benefit for all mankind. It may have been conceived in your basement but when it comes out into the light everyone will want to know more about you……that's when you give the spotlight some of your time then return to a more monastic peaceful life. Yay for the peaceful Water and lets hold at arm's length the more volatile version. Number one has no outer protective coating so yes it feels everything instantly. Sometimes that's a good thing and can keep them safe but if you are unbalanced, your reading of a situation may be unbalanced too and therein can lie problems. Mars in the opposite number nine can take over. Feeling your way through life is not easy but it also has many rewards……..what you feel, you feel more intensely than others hence the strong desire to be alone is often overridden by the strong desire to connect with another human being when one becomes two. The feeling of Cancerians, the desire of the Scorpios and the belief system of the Piscean, yes they are all water but different and combining all three is certainly something the number one will learn from. Water in nine star ki is supported by metal energies of the numbers six and seven and water in turn supports and is creative towards the numbers three and four Tree/Air energy. One and nine can help each other too, for example when fire and metal come into contact it could be to create a beautiful piece of jewellery. The alchemist at work changing one element into another. Water can help to keep the metals cool whilst they are being shaped into something new by Fire. Water can also put fires out or dampen down the flames helping to keep it from getting out of control. Water supports air/tree which in turn supports fire so instead of water going at it like a bull in a china shop and dowsing those flames it supports air/tree so it can support fire. It's give and take to find the perfect balance. So Water working through Air/tree means it is not necessary to go all out and destroy or control fire because it can do this through how much support it gives air/tree. Support is a better way of the elements working together rather than the more destructive or controlling aspects.
Number 1 year creates the aspect shapes for The Alternator (4) Teachers (3) Ruminators (3) and finally The Lecturers (2). If you think about Lecturers, Teachers and Ruminators they are all about learning and stewing over things until the answer comes to them. The 1/1 I Ching crystal is most strongly connected to the number one. The 1/1 Crystal has 5 connections to number one with the 8/4 - 7/3 Crystal having 4 and finally the Double crystal has 3. The musical notes for the one year are C D# F F# G# B with the other missing six notes to be found during a nine year. Mercury represents the number 1 and it dominates with 14 markers, Venus has 4 so Mercury/Venus are the strongest planets. Saturn has 3, Jupiter 2 and Mars 1. The elements from DNA codon letters are 12 C Water - 12 T Fire - 6 A Earth and 6 G Ai/Tree. This is energy that is strongest above the Earth when it has risen but sits below in the inferior, paraveil, below ground Moon area of a Nine Star Ki chart but it will be raised up at some point. Lest you are born of fire and water you will not see the kingdom of Heaven so heavenly energies can manifest through the number 1. There are 4 Amino Acids Histidines - 4 Cysteines - 4 Arginine - 2 Tyrosine - 2. They have equal amounts of hydrophobic codons and hydrophilic codons although 2 of the phobics can be neutral if required. The aspect shapes are made up of degrees of a circle and within the number 1 we have 3 x 30* - 7 x 60* - 5 x 90* - 6 x 120* - 8 x 150* and 7 x 180*. The 150 degree quincunx aspect dominates in the patterns of the number 1 year which stirs the pot of the ruminator nicely and it helps with thinking. The second aspect is 180* so we are seeing some opposition here and add that to the 150* and you are almost there creating a Ruminator. 60 degree sextile (7) is joint second, maybe offering a little more peace and tranquillity or creativity to the mix. There are 6 x 120* Trines blue and 5 x red squares of 90* with 3 Semisextiles of 30*. So the shapes Alternator, Teachers, Lecturers and Ruminators can be found here. Houses… (1) I am - (4) I feel - (6) I analyse - (7) I balance - (9) I perceive and (12) I believe… are the houses used in a 1 year… the others empty houses are used during the partner 9 year.
You can see a double ruminator (2) Alternators (2) Teachers (2) and Lecturers (2) so only 8 aspect shapes can be seen in the image as some lines are shared.
DNA Codons for the 1 year are as follows….
Nov - Dec - Jan repeat with Feb - Mar - April.
Looking at the patterns Green dominates the centre but there are blue and red aspects too so much can be achieved here in the 1 year. Energy that does not get used can become more irritable and jumpy so make sure you use the energies that are most suited to you if you're a number one and don’t let that rumination go to waste.
I have seen this double Ruminator in the TV show Ancient Aliens. I wonder what that might mean for the number one’s in our midst lol.
Mercury is the planetary connection with the Number 1….. Mercury the planet of communication. Ruler of Gemini and Virgo.
1 - 2 and 1 - 8 Mercury Saturn … (and 1 - 5)
1 - 4 and 1 - 3 Mercury Jupiter…
1 - 7 and 1 - 6 Mercury Venus…
1 - 9 Mercury Mars complementary opposites
1 - 1 Mercury Mercury a double dose of communications
1/1 Nine Star Ki CGC DNA Codon very strong in number one energy. All the number one year numbers connect to Mercury with the second month number having a variation on the theme of the number one. My own 1/7 is Mercury with a Venus connection……..a beautiful mind………oh I wish I had studied Maths. Perhaps poetry would have been better or maybe its just the right combination for my own variety of nonsense. Mercury orbits the Sun every 88 days and travels through space faster than any other planet and is closest to the Sun. Mercury is all about learning, writing, communications, all things mental. The Imp is often associated with Mercury as it shows its sense of humour and mischievous side. Genius can be present in the Mercury person if they have the mental aptitude to bring ideas forth. Also a symbol for Hermes and Doctors. Great for public speaking, author, poet, actor, artist anything that can consume the mind's attention enough to create something special with a healing energy.
It may take me some time to complete the other numbers x
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