This is todays version of Soloman’s Temple in 34 pieces. DNA Codons are made up from ….
C - Water - Blue…..T - Fire - Orange ….. G - Air/Tree - Yellow ….. A - Earth - Green …..
DNA’s 64 codons are made up from the four elements above in trios 4 x 4 x 4 = 64
I have supplied 12 of each colour/element as 36 triangles of the four elements appear in an I Ching Crystal but an exceptional game is when you make 36 triangles 9 of each or a balance of elements. Leaving three of each over but then if you can go on to create a 34 it may be an imbalance of elements but it is the least required. For some time I thought 36 triangles was the minimum amount required to make up the pattern. It is still a finished game if you have more than that so long as all 64 codons can be read in any direction only once, then the game is complete. 40 is common - 36 exceptional and now 34 perfection. For now. Let me know if anyone makes it in less than 34. Enjoy your thinking. X
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