I show here the image of the 64 parts which you might prefer to use which also incorporates Uranus as the 7th outer. I am exclding the outer planet, literally the outer planet here because if I didn’t I would want to add Neptune (128) usually 165 years and Pluto (256) usually 248 years to orbit the Sun. I feel we have the 63 portions and that is enough so I have removed it from the image below.
Now if you consider yourself or your child to be the Sun to be what everything else is orbiting around the red dot at the centre is that. Then you have your parents, grandparents, Great Grandparents, Great Great Grandparents and finally your great great great grandparents. Now it says somewhere in the Bible that 5 generations of your family will have an effect on you and that is what we can see here.I am busy working on this egg as my child and building up the colours in the gaps using their 9 star ki year colour to see what sort of elements or energies might be strong in my child's chart. So if you have 5 children fear not it wont become your life’s work as ALL your children will have the same egg. They will of course be different but the basic elementary energy they have will be the same. The Sun could be the start and the finish of this map 1 and 64.
Bodes law is that each planet is equal distance doubled from the previous and our genetic family works out the same way. Cool hey! So you are your own true self and the rest of your family revolve around you the Sun, you have the Mercury or thinking of your parents, your Venus love of beauty from your grandparents, your Mars physicality or active nature from your Great Grandparents, your Jupiter spirituality and intelligence from your great great grandparents, your Saturn responsible nature from your great, great, great grandparents. Like Uranus if you try to push it out one step further it may be too unpredictable to read.
When I finish tracking down all the ancestors I will put the image up for you to get the gist. Enjoy your thinking. X
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