Sunday, 22 December 2024

Nine Star Ki and The I Ching

                                              2/2.   8/8.   1/1.   4/4.   3/3.   9/9.  7/7.   6/6

Here we see a pattern of the I Ching The Word based on 28143976………the double numbers run across the top here but run diagonally from top left to bottom right on the map. So lets imagine folding those double numbers over at the fold and it will show half the pattern of the I Ching……… then lets flip it from right to left and get the other half. Lets go to row four from the bottom and the third one along is blue and red which denotes the Nine Star Ki 1/7 then lets go to the same row on the next map and we will find the Nine Star Ki 7/1 …..only half of anything is required in order to find the other half in the I Ching. 

So instead of start at yellow number 2 we now start at the other end 6 grey. Move up to row four and in the second spot on the row you will find 7/1 its as simple as that. Once you see a pattern in something you realise how much more simple the whole things is. A pair of chandeliers would set these two patterns off perfectly. Enjoy your thinking x 

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