Interestingly next year is a Number 2 Nine Star Ki year………..6 and 5 share continuous years together but whilst 2 and 5 are the same poor old year number 2 stands alone. So much for 2 being a pairing. 2 marks the end of a cycle of Nine Star Ki and next year we start over with 1 and then 9 being the next two pairings.
Here we see the DNA Codon letters, the Nine Star Ki numbers, the Aspect Shapes, the Amino Acid, the musical notes and finally the direction each codon is taking.In this image we see all 8 outer codons are pointing inwards to the centre which is a centred number 2/2.
All the DNA Letters here are above the Earth line so Heavenly energy here. There are only two aspect shapes which is unusual 4 Grand Trines all blue aspects and 8 Thinkers which are two blue and one green aspect line for each Thinker. Its a peaceful energy but without any red energy at all. Perhaps number 2 is so laid back it doesn’t need energy for getting things done it merely takes a philosophical view of life. Thinking in the green and being calm and peaceful in the blue. Even the Grand Trines are known for their Talent hence being known as Large Talent Triangles but they can also be a bit lazy about their talents and not get around to using them. Perhaps the energy pouring into the centre of this chart is stocking up ready to start the next cycle with the number 1/9 sequence.
I wondered if perhaps its partner in the number 6 had all of its direction pointing outwards but no it has all direction except for NW/SE. So number 2 is an inward turning number once again all on its own.
If I check the directions for all 9 Star Ki numbers I find the same issue…..1 No North to South… 9 No South to North………8 No NE/SW… 7 No West to East…6 No NW/SE….5 also 2 all turned inward… 4 No SE/NW … 3 No East to West. So again number 2 works alone turning inwards as does number 5 which I guess we would expect of the 5 but 2 is the same centre based.
1 Has no North to South
9 Has no South to North
8 Has no North East to South West
7 Has no West to East
6 Has no North West to South East
5 & 2 all directions turn inwards to the centre
4 Has no South East to North West
3 Has no East to West
So each number except number 2/5 does not have a direction from its own position to its opposite. Which is interesting but still not as concentrated as the number 2 being all inward directions.
Also with the number 2 having no partner half the musical notes are missing pairings usually have six of one and the next year has the other 6. Here its just 6 notes before moving onto the 1/9 years.
Only 4 amino acids are in the 2 year and only the number 2 produces Phenylalanine. So I think a 2 year in for thinking about the plan you want to set into motion come the new 1 year and all the energy coming from the Heavens is pouring into the timer waiting for us to turn it upside down and watch those salts pour down from 1 into the number 9 before it flips again for 8/7 then 6/5 perhaps here the two refills afresh then moves onto the 4/3 and we are back to 2 again. A timer for all nine star ki to flow through.
I feel we should all spend some time in peaceful thought next year and restore ourselves before starting the next cycle in 2026. Enjoy your thinking. X
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