18 CAT Hex 4 13 TAC Hex 40 11 CGC Hex 29
Histidine Tyrosine Arginine
W/E Double E/W 1/1 Crystal Centre 1/1 Crystal
Water Quadrant Fire Quadrant Water Quad
D# F G# C F B D# F# B
Mercury Saturn Mercury Jupiter Mercury Mercury
60 x 90 x 150 150 x 180 x 30 90 x 150 x 120
Teacher Ruminator Lecturer
Hydrophilic Hydrophobic & N Hydrophilic
Feb and Nov July September
19 TAT Hex 64 17 TGC Hex 47 15 (2) CAC Hex 7
Tyrosine Cysteine Histidine
NW/SE 1/1 Cry NE/SW 1/1 Crystal SE/NW 8/4 Cryst
Fire Quadrant Fire Quadrant Water Quadrant
C F G# C F# B D# F B
Mercury Mars Mercury Venus Mercury Saturn
150 x 90 x 120 180 x 150 x 30 60 x 180 x 120
Lecturer Ruminator Alternator
Hydrophobic & N Hydrophobic Hydrophilic
October March & Dec May
14 CGT Hex 59 12 CAC Hex 7 16 TGT Hex 6
Arginine Histidine Cysteine
SW/NE Double SE/NW 8/4 Crys S/N 8/4 Cryst
Water Quadrant Water quadrant Fire Quadrant
D# F# G# D# F B C F# G#
Mercury Jupiter Mercury Saturn Mercury Venus
90 x 60 x 150 60 x 180 x 120 180 x 60 x 120
Teacher Alternator Alternator
Hydrophilic Hydrophilic Hydrophobic
June August April & Jan
Centrepoint of the 1/7 chart is in the South West Number 2 Position.
Amino acids there are 4 Histidine - 2 Tyrosine - 2 Arginine - 4 Cysteine.
Hex Numbers 4 , 40, 29, 64, 47, 7, 59, 6 none of them pair with each other.
All directions appear here except for North to South and as number 1 is associated with the North there is an association.
2 Double - 5 1/1 - 5 8/4 Crystal……..represented here. Obviously with a 1 at the centre is is dominant in 1/1-9/9 Crystal codons.
Equal amounts from 6 in Water and 6 in Fire Quadrants.
Musical notes C D# F F# G# B all missing notes will appear in the 9 year codons the following year.
Planets 13 Mercury - 4 Saturn - 2 Jupiter - Mars 1 - Venus 4 dominates in Mercury and Saturn coming second.
Aspect shapes 3 Teachers - 3 Ruminators - 2 Lecturers - 4 Alternators…….Alternators dominate here…….there are no Magicians, Workers, Thinkers or Grand Trines.
6 Codons are Hydrophilic - 6 Hydrophobic - 2 can also become Neutral so if a Hydrophobic is better off philic it can change.
When 1/7 is at the centre the centre point is in Number 2 South West as are the following numbers as they change position.
17 South West
16 North
15 North West
14 North East
13 West
12 North West
11 Centre
19 South East
18 East
All centres are in the positions that the Nine Star Ki are moving towards. E.g. 1/7 NE to SW so it sits in the South West.
All numbers 1 to 9 can be changed to data in this way.
Make sure your ready for the best times to make your best moves…………my 1/7 is aiming in the directio of the number 2…….Mothers, Banks, Property, land to name but a few……….I will definitely be ready. Happy Holidays x
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