Friday, 21 February 2025

The 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal in The Hexagrams and also in DNA and how they pair up

1/1 - 9/9 Crystal of The I Ching and Hexagrams 
We now fit together the Hexagram numbers with their true DNA partners Hex 47 is no longer paired with 48 because of the hexagram numbers but is paired with Hexagram 22 because of the DNA Letters which cancel each other out diagonally. 29 and 30 remain the same set and can cancel each other out both vertically and diagonally. 37 now pairs with 40 but the letters are read vertically to cancel each other out. 63 and 64 remain unchanged and cancel each other out both vertically and diagonally 39 and 38 now match up for letters not hexagrams and cancel each other out vertically. 21 and 48 pair up and cancel each other out vertically. 

If we take the whole of the right hand side of the top image excluding Hex 30 and turn it upside down it then pairs with their correct DNA partner. In the Hexagrams they do not always match with the letters but once you flip the right hand side of a crystal they all match perfectly. 

Here we see the Hexagram numbers and see how they match as pairs of numbers starting with the odd number first at the base of the full hexagram and the even number sits on top. 
Once we flip the right hand side the Hexagrams no longer pair up the same way and are either vertically paired or horizontally paired. In strands of DNA we presume them to sit opposite each other and they do once the crystal has been flipped C opposite G…..T opposite A and so on but this does not take into account the potential diagonal and vertical differences we find in the crystals here. Should we see more into this than we do. X 

Thursday, 13 February 2025

Rules to Follow with Nine Star Ki Year and Month Number Sequences


Here we see the Map for the number one throughout a 1 year. I have left the 1/5 at the centre even though I know it wont exist in the yearly Nine Star Ki and the 5 will become a 2. Notice how the 5 creates a vertical line and all other months create a triangle. I guess we need to imagine the centre is empty for this one. 

All sections have number 1 at the centre then that changes for each of the months of the year. 11 appears in all sections as a double dose of the year number. The position of the double number will be found to share the position of the number 1 in the North …..for example 1/4 has 11 in the  8 position and 1/8 sits in the North.

E.g. 1/2 has 11 in the North West position of the number 6 and 1/6 sits in the North…..and so on through all sections. Another noteworthy thing is the double number is in the position that the nine star ki is usually facing. E.g. 1/7 sits in the North East facing South West and the 11 is in the South West. 
Are we compelled to focus on that potential sink hole?

So all the numbers follow the same rules……..

The MONTH number at the centre determines the position of the number 5 in the countdown for each year. 

E.g.    17    5 In West
           79    5 in South
           31    5 in North and so on………

I have yet to decide if the number 5 position is just left empty or whether it is somehow turned off. So for my own 1/7 with 5 in the West is that position empty because 7 is already in the centre.? 

Another rule to follow would be when the double number appears at the centre all of the 8 outer positions turn to face inwards creating a sink hole type of situation in the centre as though all energy is pouring inwards. 

E.g. when 1/1 is in the centre the direction of all around it is focussed on the double number whereas when 1/1 is not the centre numbers the directions of the surrounding positions all vary in direction.

Extra image showing 5 connections. Also if you look to the bottom right the Nine Star Ki of 1/6 is at the centre with 1/5 in its North West position and 11 is in the North so we miss out on another connection here but do have a double connection to the 1/1 in the North. 

Enjoy your thinking. X 

Soloman’s Temple for 13th February, 2025 34 piece

Friday, 7 February 2025

34 Piece of Solo Mans Temple for 7th February 2025

 Here we see the latest 34 part game of Solo Man’s Temple. 

C Blue Water 10 - T Orange Fire 8 - 8 G Air/tree Yellow - A Green Earth 8

So an excess of Water rather than a shortage of the other elements. A nice densely packed version with only 3 inner triangles of space. Enjoy your weekend and your thinking x