Tuesday 1 January 2013

Map 509 Observations on the Crystals

Observations on the Crystals

As we know from earlier Maps the crystals are formed by throwing three coins twice and forming the two parts of a DNA codon. Heads for a solid Jang line and tails for a broken Jin line. Each set of three lines creates a nine star ki or I ching number. Two numbers creates a DNA codon.

Once you have the six lines of your codon take the top line and move it to the bottom and in the process change a Jang line to a Jin line and vice versa. Eventually you will make 12 codons before the pattern begins to repeat itself. You will make 3 single crystals, one double and one smaller 4 part crystal in total using all 64 hexagrams.

Observe the + and – points or positive and negative charges in the crystal. Observe also how each hexagram has its shadow or rear view hexagram in the same crystal. Observe that no matter what the combinations the crystals still conform to 9 of each of the letters of DNA C,T,G and A. Except of course the smaller crystal and the double which simply doubles everything.

Observe how in the 6/6 – 2/2 crystal there is no Water or number 1, nor is there any Fire or number 9. Then in the 1/1 – 9/9 crystal you will observe there are no 6's or 2's.

Observe the motion of the crystals as they create a pattern of movement from the + and – situations.

Observe how once again if we know half a story we can guess the rest. If you observe the lower point and the left hand side of a crystal then take the upper and right hand side and flip it over. It then matches up T to A and C to G in the crystals.

Take an example TGC:


So TGC 1/7 Hex 47 actually matches up to ACG which is 9/8 rather than CGA 4/1 which appears as it opposite and also matches it as Hex 48. If you take the long string of DNA from GCG upwards into 12 codons ending on CGA and fold it back on itself ignoring the peaks they will all give complimentary opposites in their letters even when they are alerts.

Observe how the double crystal also works out well as two single strips of 12 but can only be joined together with their hexagrams if the crystal becomes a double.

Observe how if you use only letters you could not find out so many variants on DNA as you can when you observe letters, numbers, hexagrams etc.,

Observe also how the alerts are only associated with the numbers 3, 4, 7 and 8. They could be said to be 'not well matched'.

Observe also the 6/6 peak of Venus and the 2/2 peak of Saturn are dominating energies in the crystal. Containing 5 measures of Jupiter, 9 measures of Venus and 10 measures of Saturn. 3 variants of energy types.

Whereas the 1/1 crystal has 8 measures of Mercury, 8 of Mars, 4 of Jupiter, 2 of Venus and 2 of Saturn. 5 variants of energy types and so on through the crystals.

This shows us that the 6/6 crystal has no Number 1 Mercury and no Number 9 Mars but it does have Venus but only from the number 7 variety.

We can also observe that although 6/6 has no Mercury power it does have three codons beginning with the letter T which is all about brain function. 1/1 also has three codons starting with T so in that respect they are similar.

We can also observe that a hydrophilic hexagram matches up with a hydrophobic hexagram or alternatively a neutral one. So we know which side of the hexagram likes to be on the outside of the string of DNA because it likes to be moist and watery.

DNA forms our Genes but genes are energy so it should be more important for us to study energy.

Phosphorus and air create light so the outer edges of our DNA strips that like the moist phosphorous atmosphere could be showing us that we are creating light. We are the light givers. Though we need water for all our reactions to take place.

Observe the amino acids in each of the crystals as amino acids are attracted to each other for as long as your hearts desire attracts things into your life once you start to change your mind those amino acids move away from each other as fast as they can so as not to create what your heart no longer desires. Be careful what you wish for.

If you observe the crystals codons as a piece of ribbon sometimes the three codons are on the inside of the ribbon and sometimes on the outside.

A strip of orange, yellow and blue ribbon but on the back would be a strip of green, blue and yellow ribbon.


So as we know the energy in this box moves clockwise to produce DNA
and moves anticlockwise to produce RNA.


Despite being a rear view it still moves in the same ways but from the opposite position.

To get the true rear view we must move in what I call the four corners way.

C would be flipped over to the right and then be flipped downward to its position in the bottom right hand corner and then flipped twice more to return to its usual position.

So one energy is changing into another all of the time. The Philosophers Stone must be so called because if we did change base metal into Gold it would debase the value of Gold and we would no longer be in AU or it ! Gold is so loved because it does not change over time. It has that quality of timelessness about it. A Brooch made of 24 carat gold in the stone age would be as beautiful today. It does not combine its energies with oxygen or water so does not tarnish hence its timeless beauty. Is there something about the 6/6 crystal that does not tarnish?

You are only as special as the contents you hold or attract. We must all try to be 24 carat gold human beings, untarnished by life.

There are many more observations to be found in the crystals enjoy finding out more and more about yourself. Happy New Year.

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