Thursday 31 January 2013

Map 552 The Piano Keyboard and The I Ching

Another old image I have found of the Piano Keyboard which can so easily be connected to Astrology, Feng Shui, The I Ching and DNA The top and bottom are inverted images of each other and the two sides also.

Note how on the famous five at the top you have Red Aries, Green Taurus, Yellow Gemini, Blue Cancer and Red Leo.  Green and Blue are the outers in the five.

Note that once we come to the secret seven at the sides the yellow and red are now on the outside with the blues and greens on the inside. Moving from Green Virgo, Yellow Libra, Blue Scorpio, Red Sagittarius, Green Capricorn, Yellow Aquarius, and finally Blue Pisces.

Each key an astrological sign and a musical note. Each a strip of DNA. Take an example of TGC this positive faced codon would be played with the right hand. T in group one would be C or Aries. G in group two would be F# or Libra and C in group three would be B or Pisces.  Rear view or negative side would be played with the left hand. CGA Cancer D#, Libra F# and Capricorn A.

Each three note codon would be an I Ching Hexagram.

So many connections.

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