Sunday 6 January 2013

Map 515 Observations on Hexagrams 1 and 2

Observations on the First 2 Hexagrams

                          Let us observe things about the Map 514.

We start from the 1/2 hexagram the beginning of everything Hex number 1 with its word association of Heaven. The all yellow hexagram of GGG of Air/Tree energy. Leading us to believe that Heaven is up there in the air. Hexagram number 1 has a nine star ki of 6/6 and creates the amino acid Glycine. It is positioned at the centre in directions. The 6/6 is associated with the planets Venus and Venus. It belongs to the 6/6 crystal and is positioned at its 10th house or MC position in that crystal. The number 1 is a positive or + charge. The musical notes it creates are D F# and A#. The aspect pattern it creates is a Grand Trine in Air signs. 120* Gemini x 120* Libra x 120* Aquarius. The three aspects trine from the 3rd to the 7th to the 11th and back to the 3rd house creating a harmonious triangle in air. No other hexagram has this content or will make this sound. Glycine is a sweet taste, colourless and a crystalline solid. The simplest of all amino acids. Glycine has been found in space. That most basic of building blocks out their in the Heavens. Perhaps when life is sweet we have no shortage of Glycine.

Hexagram 1 partners its shadow or rear view Hexagram 2. This is an all blue hexagram of CCC of Water energy. It has a word association of Earth which is making us think that we are grounded. 2/2 is the Nine Star Ki and it creates the amino acid Proline. It too is positioned at the centre for directions. The 2/2 is associated with the planets Saturn and Saturn. It belongs to the 6/6 crystal and is positioned at its IC or 4th House position.

The number 2 is a negative or – charge. The musical notes it creates are D# G and B. The aspect pattern it creates is a Grand Trine in Water signs. 120* Cancer x 120* Scorpio x 120* Pisces. The three aspects trine from the 4th to the 8th to the 12th and back the the 4th house creating a harmonious triangle in Water. No other hexagram has this content or will make this sound.

Observe how only the letters GGG appear in the bottom hexagram and this means that all of the above have been changed to the complimentary opposite of CCC to conform to the standard required of the hexagrams and their shadows. Yellow is the complimentary opposite of Blue. Two of the triangles of the GGG point downwards and one points upwards and the opposite is true of the Hex CCC as though the Earth is pulling itself upwards and the Heavens are pulling themselves downwards. The air trine is all about communication and the water trine all about being sensitive enough to feel it.

These hexagrams need to support each other much as we need to support our own shadow selves, they are self supporting because without one the other dies.

We need water for all reactions to take place. Does Heaven need the Earth for its creations to take form. This is described as a timeless hexagram. Not fashionable or up to the minute but always a classic and of its time. So whenever these two hexagrams are found working together you can be sure it will happen and not be happening at the wrong time. To be timeless is to always be of the moment. Timeless is to be without beginning or end, eternal and everlasting. Proline is a sweet taste.

Glycine and GGG 6/6 energy is associated with the function of the central nervous system, kidneys and circulation. Glycine is required for the function of the central nervous system and can inhibit the neuro transmitters that can bring about Bi Polar disorders and similar. It can help create muscle tissue and is found in skin and connective tissue in high levels. Without Glycine the body would not be able to repair damaged tissue.

Proline and CCC 2/2 energy is associated with the Chest, reproductive system and feet. Proline is useful in the joints as a producer of collagen and cartilage.
Osteoarthritis, trauma injury and muscles benefit from Proline. It has fewer degrees of rotation, an amino acid that bonds well at difficult angles as it is comfortable in rigidity which serves it well at points of the body that need to flex, such as joints and muscles. In India people working in the sciences started to wear T shirts with Proline written across their chests to show their admiration for such a wonderful amino acid. Aah bless.

Proline is supportive and holds up the required angles a bit like an angel that supports human beings in times of great stress, supporting them until such time as their own strengths return and they can support themselves once more. An Angel supporting the angle in the case of DNA strands. Proline occurs as a colourless crystals and is soluble in water.

So we can see that these two work well together despite being opposites. Both Glycine and Proline have angles that do not conform to the usual angles of amino acids and they can make life sweet.

Just a few observations on the hexagrams 1 and 2 many more can be made. Enjoy x

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