Monday, 29 December 2014

James Watson and Eugenics

James Watson of DNA spiral fame.................having borrowed the final piece of his jigsaw from Maurice Wilkins who borrowed it from Rosalind Franklin has now started to create his work around the theory of Eugenics. Initially I thought good this is all his own work and something he can be proud of without anyone else passing judgement. Thats was until I heard ........ he considers certain types of people to be stupid and would want to change their genes so they had no need to be so stupid... if you are stupid that is a disease and genetic enhancement would be of benefit. The prevention of the birth of ugly girls (no mention of boys.........hmmmm).....he asks who wouldn't want that? Perhaps we should ask him who the stupid boys were that got the ugly girls pregnant in the first place. Perhaps there is a theme here. x

May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy New Year with three at its centre.........a time for some new ideas around genetics and IT.........lets hope they come from a rational humanistic base. I believe in DNA and genetics and its ability to help human life in the moment and in the future if you can give your DNA to a Biobank then please do so, you will be helping humanity long into the future. Never allow your thoughts to take you down the wrong path or all the hard work and effort you have put into those thoughts will be lost. The right path fades as you get deeper and deeper into 'the wrong place'. Science does NOT have to go down the wrong path even if it seems enticing you are being led astray and the good you could have brought to the world will be lost. Stay alert and enjoy your life starting with 2015. x 

The three cube for your year ahead................positive for 3, 5, 7,8, 1 Enjoy x

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

The 6/6 Crystal of DNA I Ching as a Rug

The Neat and Orderly 6/6 – 2/2 Crystal

as a Rug

This could be the image of a Rug that takes on the Hexagonal pairing of I Ching
Hexagrams and combines them starting with Hexagram 1 GGG then
pairing the Hexagrams positive number with the following negative number
which creates the pair of Hexagrams. 

How different would the rug be if the codons stayed in their usual positions within the Crystal

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

An Abstract view of a DNA I Ching Crystal Pattern and a Rachel Ashwell Rug

Forming the Crystals

In this the 6/6 – 2/2 peaked Crystal we see in the area marked in grey 6 dominates on the outside and in the areas marked with yellow 2 dominates on the inside of the crystal. There are no numbers 1's or 9's in this crystal. All 6 Crystal work in a similar way.

Note the form taken in this Oushak Rug by Rachel forms the crystal peaks which have 6/6 and 2/2 in the pole positions and then they flourish in the centre of the crystal as the 6 and 2 combine as many of these repeating patterns in life and art. x

A Journey for 1/4 CGT in the Everyday Life

I often like to take a particular journey from my house to another house would mean jumping in the car and I take a left turn – Jin – a right turn – Jang – a left turn – Jin - a left turn – Jin – a right turn – Jang – a right turn – Jang and I reach my destination. That produces Jin – Jang – Jin – Jin – Jang – Jang of Hexagram 59. This is 1/4 in Nine Star Ki. CGT as a DNA codon.... produces the amino acid arginine.....takes a SW/NE direction.....belongs to the water quadrant and the Double Crystal.....D# F# G# all musical notes played on the black sharpened keys of the piano..... associated with the planets Mercury and Jupiter.......creating a shape 90* x 60* x 150* known as The Teacher.

So the number 1 is associated with Water and is productive in creating and supporting the number 4 tree/air energy......potentially good for creating wealth and prosperity. Good levels of Arginine reduce blood pressure and increase the body's sensitivity to insulin, good for the immune system. Helps clear toxins from the body. Good for fertility in men. CGT is associated with the 4th house of the chest, 7th house of kidneys, and 9th house of circulation. Potentially good for weight loss as insulin is in good supply. Hexagram 59 is all about dispersion, expansion, scattering, evaporation, reuniting, reshuffling, catharsis and the Temple. The scattering of seed perhaps in the shape of new ideas being born. Sitting in the South West and facing North East.......summer is drawing to a close, Autumn beckons, enjoy those last rays of sunshine before the harvest needs to be brought in. There is a clarity of mind here.

It belongs to the Double is more prone to horizontal and emotional natures than vertical rational ones. You can blossom on the horizontal growth of a shrub or tree. The double crystal is often seen in church shapes so a more spiritual nature may persist. CGT is in the centre part of the crystal the left hand portion but on the right hand side.

Associated with the 4th house of roots and, property, genetic inheritance …..also associated with the Mother......the 7th house of balance, partnerships, law, marriage, unions and other people. Know yourself through others. Finally the 9th house of long journeys, exploration or philosophy, deep thinking, abstract thoughts, spirituality. Publishing and media potentially connected to the higher minded thoughts attracted here. Allowing the Truth to be born through you.

Musically F Major or C# Minor............Somebody who is charming and finds joy in the simplest of things.....a knight in shining armour. Conversations with God can be found through C# Minor....the rescuer or saviour connection.

Mercury and Jupiter.....the beautiful dreamers full of enthusiasm and delight....when not teaching they are learning.....they make great teachers because they love to learn and give back. Full of great ideas they just want to pass onto the world.

Aspect pattern The Teacher 90 x 60 x 150....they love to specialise in something....learning constantly....and teach others......its second nature for you to pass on all you learn. Work, rest and play.

So would you consider going on this journey to be profitable......lets take a look at the I Ching Hexagram 59.....the first thing we notice is it is wind over water...........Feng Shui itself.....a flood destroys all old structures paving the way to a new clean to new possibilities....a life with an open gateway to the cosmos.........your opinions, judgements etc., give structure to your life...they will all go and you will be flowing freely.......having to save yourself often times sets you free from rigid patterns of everyday life. Dispersion of those things, obstacles or difficulties that have held you back..........the King approaches his Temple.

Well I don't know about you but I like the sound of this as journeys go...........a new beginning, learning and teaching and encouraging others to do the same. I can become a Knight in shining armour for others.........a shining example.  

Check out some of the journeys in your life and what directions they take and form. Enjoy x 

Monday, 22 December 2014

64 Codons of DNA in The I Ching

There are 64 DNA codons and they move along nicely starting at number one through to number 64 and there are no problems until the number Hexagram 27 occurs.....this position is called an alert. Next problem occurs with Hex 51/2, then 57/8 and finally 61/2. The reason they are called alerts is the top and bottom do not match or conform as all other Hexagrams do. Usually two codons or hexagrams sit one on top of the other. It there is a T or A in the mix they become opposites T becomes A and A becomes T the C & G remain the same. If only the letter C & G are in the hexagrams they swop to opposites C becomes G and G becomes C except in alerts. 8 Codons out of 64 that do not conform = 1/8th of the whole.

Hex 27/8 ACT/TGA.....TGA should be ACT which would mean it was the same hence alert
Hex 61/2 AGT/TCA..... TCA should be AGT which would mean it was the same hence alert
They cannot make two codons the same so instead they just change C to G and G to C...this is why they are called alerts they do not conform to standard where T and A change.

**..........GCCCCG – CTGGAC – GCATCG
***..........CGGGGC – CGTAGC
****..........AGTTCA – ATATAT.

  • Hex 27/8 *
  • Hex 51/2 **
  • Hex 57/8 ***
  • Hex 61/2 ****

Hex 51/2 GCC/CCG.....CCG should be GGC but it does not conform
Hex 57/8 CGG/GGC.....GGC should be CCG but it does not conform
We can see that instead of C becoming G and G becoming C they have remained the same C is C and G is G.

Let us look at it as alerts becoming breaks in the pattern....

**..........GCCCCG – CTGGAC – GCATCG Break
***..........CGGGGC – CGTAGC Break
****..........AGTTCA – ATATAT.

There are no alerts in the 6/6 – 2/2 Crystal or the 1/1 – 9/9 Crystal.
Hexagrams 51/52 and 57/8 are alerts in the Double Crystal.
Hexagrams 27/28 are alerts in the 8/4 – 7/3 Crystal.
Hexagrams 61/62 are alerts in the Diamond Crystal.

Why do one eighth of Codons have these alerts or hiccups............x

Saturday, 20 December 2014

The Energy of Nine Star Ki in the Number 1 cube

This is the face or template for the number one cube add to this all 6 sides and you have the cube for the number 1 element of Water at the centre. Now water is happiest with numbers 3, 5, 6 and 8 and less comfortable with numbers 2, 4, 7 and 9. 27 Bricks in all make up the whole cube.

During the course of the year with 1 at its centre the year is most balanced at centre with 1/1 in the month of September.

The positive months are when 3 and 8 are on the East/West axis in February and July......then 5 and 6 are on the North South Axis in April and May.

The less positive months are when 2 and 9 are on the South East/North West axis in May, January and April.... then 4 and 7 are on the North East/South West axis in March, December and June.

Note that 3,5,6 and 8 are at the cardinal points and 2,4,7 and 9 are at the corners of the cube.

  Would it be true of all numbers to say that they experience the most difficulty at the corners and easier energy emits from the centre points of North, South, East and West. The patterns of connection within the cube also denote triangular shapes the these angles perhaps because they are considered trines of energy rather than squares or oppositions.

It makes life so simple when we realise that we are all the same but different. x

Friday, 19 December 2014

Rachel Ashwell Rug - DNA Crystals

Patterns of Life in Everyday Objects

This is a rug currently on sale at Rachel Ashwell
The Oushak Rug
Beautiful because deep down we see the patterns of life

We move from the bottom and to the right reading the codons left to right (first one GCG) when we reach centre we change direction and read right to left 
(first one TAC) on reaching the top we continue to read right to left
until we reach the middle and change direction and read left to right
once more (first one ATG)

T = Orange G = Yellow A = Green C = Blue

Life patterns everywhere if we look hard enough. 

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

A closer look at Glycine - Observations on Codons of DNA

A closer look at Glycine

The top image is all house positions used in Glycine with all lines
being connected to each other.

The bottom image is only the four triangles created by the codons

The top image creates many more aspects patterns whereas the lower
one creates only four aspect patterns. The Grand Trine in Air.....The
Alternator..... and two of The Lecturers.

Glycine is created by:

GGC – Hex 58 7/7 Alert

GGT – Hex 10 7/6
GGG – Hex 1 6/6
GGA – Hex 43 6/7

We can see from the nine star ki numbers Glycine is made up only from
the Metal numbers 6 & 7...... with two negative hexagrams and two positives all markers connecting to the planet Venus.

The first G is in the 3rd house, the second G is the 7th house and the C T G and A in the third position at the 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th houses all these create a six sided figure if all lines are connected, otherwise we have just four triangles. The houses are positioned as though within a circle 6 positions.The root for Glycine is in the third house of Gemini or communications this being the lowest point in the chart. Everything else is above the Earth.

GGC 7/7 Alert
Glycine Neutral
Hex -58 – Centre
Double Air
D F# B
Venus Venus
120 x 150 x 90
GGT 7/6
Glycine Neutral
Hex -10 – NW/SE
Double Air
D F# G#
Venus Venus
120 x 60 x 180
GGA 6/7
Glycine Neutral
Hex +43 – SE/NW
6/6 Air
D F# A
Venus Venus
120 x 90 x 150
GGG 6/6
Glycine Neutral
Hex +1 – Centre
6/6 Air
D F#A#
Venus Venus
120 x 120 x 120

When you consider each batch of amino acids they have a position within The Ho Tu or The Word of The I Ching and in the case of Glycine it is in the Air quadrant but it is also in the air quadrant of the air quadrant so there is a lot to do with communications here. Air and Tree energy abound. Each line of the codons box tells a story. GGC are the letter of the DNA codon. 7/7 is the nine star ki of the amino acid with these DNA letters. So they are all Glycine but potentially can make different things in different ways. Alert is to show that something about this particular Hexagram as a set of both the positive face and the rear side of a cube does not conform to the normal standard. Glycine shows the amino acid and neutral means it is capable of being both hydrophilic and hydrophobic. The Hexagram number – 58 shows the hexagram number and whether or not it is a face + or rear side of the cube -. Centre means both numbers in the nine star ki are the same and thus are positioned at the centre of a map showing directions. Double Air means it is in the double crystal and in the air quadrant. D F# B are the musical notes that GGC potentially make. Venus and Venus are the planets associated with the numbers of the nine star ki and metal 6 & 7 are both associated with the planet Venus. 120* x 150* x 90*
This is the aspect shape for GGC and creates the aspect shape known as The Lecturer. Not surprising in this intellectual corner of the I Ching map. The aspect is a 120* line of talent followed by a 150* line of change and transformation and finally a 90* aspect of doing energy. Love of learning and passing on what you have learned. Thinking, doing, manifesting energies.
So the same rules apply to the other boxes. All amino acids can be dissected the same way. Merely observing what you can about the position of the Codon. All other information can be found in earlier maps of the Crystals for example. If you need anything else don't hesitate to let me know. Enjoy a closer look at yourself. For all other blocks see Ho Tu The Word 28143976 happy investigations. 

Monday, 15 December 2014

All 20 Amino Acids as Crystals

All Twenty forms of Amino Acid and the form it can take.................two in only just red and blue..... No wonder Cysteine and Tyrosine get mistaken for each other........more observations to come. Small version above larger version below.

Enjoy your thoughts. x

Glycine Amino Acid as a Crystal

Glycine Amino Acid

as a Crystal

There are Four Glycine Codons

Houses associated with Glycine
3, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12

Aspects contained within

Grand Trine in Air/Tree
120 x 120 x 120
The Alternator 180 x 120 x 60
The Worker 180 x 90 x 90
The Ruminator 180 x 150 x 30
The Teacher 90 x 150 x 60
The Lecturer 90 x 150 x 120
The Thinker 150 x 120 x 30
90 x 60 x 30
Small Talent 60 x 60 x 120

A six sided figure

Now that we have listed all 20 Amino Acids let us now observe them. 

Aspartic Acid Amino Acid as a Crystal

Aspartic Acid Amino Acid

as a Crystal

There are just two codons for Aspartic Acid

Associated with the houses:

3, 6, 9 and 12

The Aspects contained within:

The Worker 180 x 90 x 90

This also contains the Cardinal Cross

A four sided figure

Asparagine Amino Acid as a Crystal

Asparagine Amino Acid

as a Crystal

There are two codons connected with Asparagine

Houses associated 2, 6, 9 and 12

A four sided figure

Aspects contained within:

The Worker 180 x 90 x 90
The Alternator 180 x 120 x 60
The Teacher 150 x 90 x 60
The Lecturer 90 x 150 x 120

Valine Amino Acid as a Crystal

Valine Amino Acid

as a Crystal

Associated with the Houses:
3, 5, 9, 10, 11 and 12

Aspects contained within :

The Alternator 180 x 120 x 60
The Worker 180 x 90 x 90
The Ruminator 180 x 150 x 30
The Magician 150 x 150 x 30
The Lecturer 90 x 150 x 120
The Teacher 90 x 150 x 60
The Thinker 150 x 120 x 30
90 x 30 x 60
30 x 30 x 60

A six sided shape

Glutamine Amino Acid as a Crystal

                                                              Glutamine Amino Acid
                                                                         as a Crystal

There are two codons for Glutamine


Houses connections 4, 6, 10 and 11

Aspects contained within :

The Alternator 180 x 50 x 120
The Magician 150 x 150 x 60
The Ruminator 180 x 150 x 30

A four sided figure

Threonine Amino Acid as a Crystal

Threonine Amino Acid

as a Crystal

There are 4 codons of Threonine (309)

The houses associated with 309 are:

2, 4, 9, 10, 11 and 12

A six sided figure

The aspects contained within are:

Small talents 60 x 60 x 120
The Ruminator 180 x 150 x 30
The Magician 150 x 150 x 60
The Lecturer 90 x 150 x 120
The Teacher 90 x 150 x 60
The Thinker 150 x 120 x 30
30 x 30 x 60
30 x 60 x 90

Arganine Amino Acid as a Crystal

Arganine Amino Acid

as a Crystal

There are six codons for Arganine

Associated with houses 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12

The Aspects contained within are :

Small Talents 60 x 60 x 120
The Alternator 180 x 120 x 60
The Worker 180 x 90 x 90
The Ruminator 180 x 150 x 30
The Magician 150 x 150 x 60
The Lecturer 90 x 150 x 120
The Teacher 90 x 150 x 60
The Thinker 150 x 120 x 30
30 x 30 x 60
30 x 60 x 90

The is one of two 7 sided figures the other being Leucine

Could the 7 Archangels be connected to each of the houses in this pattern

The Aspect is leaning to the left a little somewhere between 10th and 11th houses

Leucine Amino Acid as a Crystal

Leucine Amino Acid

as a Crystal

Leucine has six codons

Associated with the houses:
1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11 and 12

One of only two 7 sided figures
Leucine and Arganine

Aspects contained within:

Grand Trine in Fire
Small Talent Triangle
The Worker 180 x 90 x 90
The Alternator 180 x 120 x 60
The Ruminator 180 x 150 x 30
The Magician 150 x 150 x 60
The Lecturer 90 x 150 x 120
The Teacher 90 x 150 x 60
The Thinker 150 x 120 x 30
Contains all major DNA Aspect Shapes
30 x 30 x 60
30 x 60 x 90

The shape leans to the left and the focus is on the 11th house of Heaven

Could this be the shape that has the 7 Archangels connection
one for each of the house's 

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Glutamic Acid Amino Acid as a Crystal

Glutamic Acid Amino Acid

as a Crystal
There are just two codons for Glutamic Acid

House connections are 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th

Aspects contained within are:

The Lecturer 90 x 150 x 120
The Thinker 150 x 120 x 30

A four sided figure

The Stop Amino Acids as Crystals

Stop Signs

as Crystals

There are three STOP codons

They are associated with the houses:

1, 6, 7, 10 and 11

Aspects combined within:

The Ruminator 150 x 30 x 180
The Alternator 180 x 60 x 120
The Worker 180 x 90 x 90
The Magician 150 x 150 x 60
The Lecturer 90 x 150 x 120
The Thinker 150 x 120 x 30
30 x 120 x 90
90 x 60 x 30

This is a five sided shape the only other one being Isoleucine

Histidine Amino Acid as a Crystal

Histidine Amino Acid

as a Crystal

There are just two codons of Histidine CAC and CAT

Associated with the Houses :

4, 6, 9 and 12

Aspects contained within:

The Worker 180 x 90 x 90
The Alternator 180 x 120 x 60
The Lecturer 150 x 120 x 90
The Teacher 90 x 150 x 60

A four sided shape

Serine Amino Acid as a Crystal - Largest

Serine Amino Acid

as a Crystal

There are six Codons of Serine

The are associated with the following houses:
1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12

The aspects associated with it are:

The worker 180 x 90 x 90
The Magician 150 x 150 x 60
The Alternator 180 x 120 x 60
The Ruminator 180 x 150 x 30
The Lecturer 90 x 150 x 120
The Teacher 90 x 150 x 60
The Thinker 150 x 120 x 30
30 x 60 x 90
60 x 60 x 120
Cardinal Cross 180 x 90 x 90 x180 x 90 x 90

This busy amino acid has 8 connection points / sides which lean
to the left of the chart
The Biggest coverage is Serine 

Methionine or MET Amino Acid as a Crystal - Smallest with Tryptophan

Methionine or MET
a.k.a. Start

as a crystal

There is only one Codon for Methionine
Start point or MET

It is associated with houses 2, 5 and 11

It forms one aspect The Worker 180 x 90 x 90

It is one of eight variations on a theme of Aspect Shapes

Tryptophan Amino Acid as a Crystal - Smallest with MET

Tryptophan Amino Acid

as a Crystal

Tryptophan appears in only one Codon

Associated with houses 1, 7 and 11

This pattern forms a triangle shape one of only two triangles
in all Amino Acids the other being MET – Start or ATG

It forms only one aspect the Alternator
180 x 120 x 60

Isoleucine Amino Acid as a Crystal

Isoleucine Amino Acid


There are three codons of Isoleucine

Associated with houses 2, 5, 9, 10 and 12
This is a five sided Crystal pattern
the only other 5 sided figure is Isoleucine
 The arms of the aspect are as
though they are show casing the 12th house
and leaning down towards it.

The aspects contained within are:
The Magician 150 x 150 x 60
The Lecturer 90 x 150 x 120 (two)
The Teacher 90 x 150 x 60
Small Talent 120 x 60 x 60
The Thinker 150 x 120 x 30
90 x 30 x 60

There are no connections to the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 11th houses

Friday, 12 December 2014

Cysteine Amino Acid as a Crystal

Cysteine Amino Acid Crystal

Only two codons TGC and TGT

Associated with houses 1, 7, 9, 12
Very much in the upper part of the chart

Aspects contained within:

The Alternator 180 x 60 x 120
The Teacher 60 x 90 x 150
The Ruminator 180 x 150 x 30
also 90 x 30 x 120

Becomes a four sided figure leaning to the left

Tyrosine Amino Acid as a Crystal

Tyrosine Amino Acid as a Crystal

Only two Codons make up Tyrosine TAC and TAT

contained within The Lecturer 90 x 150 x 120
The Worker 90 x 90 x 180
The Ruminator 30 x 150 x 180

Becomes a four sided figure 

Touches on 1st, 6th, 9th and 12th houses

Phenylalanine Amino Acid as a Crystal

Phenylalanine Amino Acid

Only two codons make up Phenylalanine – TTC and TTT

The connect via the 1st, 5th, 9th and 12th house.

Aspects contained within are 120 x 120 x 120 Grand Trine in Fire
The Lecturer 90 x 150 x 120
The Thinker 30 x 120 x 150
and 30 x 90 x 120 

Becomes a four side figure 

Alanine Amino Acid Crystal

Alanine Amino Acid Crystal

Alanine has four DNA codons GCC, GCT, GCG, GCA
Associated with the 3rd, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses.

Together they create the above crystal ... within in we see one alternator aspect, 60 x 120 x 180... one small talent triangle 60 x 60 x 120... three small listening devices 60 x 30 x 30... one The Teacher 150 x 60 x 90... One The Magician 150 x 150 x The Worker 90 x 90 x 180...two 90 x 60 x The Lecturer 90 x 150 x 120...two of The Ruminator 180 x 150 x 120 x 90 x 150...

Becomes a six sided figure leaning to the right

So Alanine does not touch on houses 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7

Proline Amino Acid Crystals

Proline Amino Acids

Proline as an Amino Acid is associated with DNA Codons CCC, CCT, CCA, CCG. There are four codons and they connect to the houses 4, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Together they create this wonderful diamond pattern. The heart at the centre is the only point where three lines cross. A combination of triangles in Green, Red and Blue aspects. Contained within the pattern are a Grand Trine in Water of 120 x 120 x 120, a smaller blue talent triangle 120 x 60 x 60, so much talent and creativity here.......three aspects tuning in of 60 x 30 x aspect of The Magician 150 x 150 x 30...two alternators of 180 x 60 x 120... two 90 x 30 x 60...containing all colours.

Becomes a 6 sided figure balance and en - pointe

So Proline does not touch on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th and 7th houses. Does it mean anything..........well I wonder........