Saturday 1 February 2014

Map 823 Nine Star Ki for 2014 a 4 Tree/Air element year

As I belong to the year number 1 Water the left hand bagua shows the position of the numbers and their elements in the number one chart.  Feb 4th sees the start of the new year which has number 4 Tree/Air energy at its centre as shown in the right hand bagua. So the number at the centre of the
this year is four tree/air energy. It is also the year of the Horse so perhaps that will help advance the sense of wealth and prosperity and growth that four brings combined with the sense of luxury the horse likes.

If you move the bagua over the top of each other it will show you how happy they are to mingle with the elements. Top left hand corner of each would give 9 Fire Lilac and 3 Tree/air Green and as we know tree/air energy supports 9 fire energy and this is a creative combination. Move along one on the top row and we have 5 Earth mustard yellow with 8 Earth Orange two Earth energies will combine nicely but are not giving or taking from each other. Top right hand corner Red Metal 7 with 1 Water Blue another nice combination as metal supports water and is a creative energy.
So the top line of the bagua is a happy line.

Left hand side middle row we have Orange 8 Earth with Yellow 2 Earth another Earthy combination not giving or taking energy from each other. Centre we have 1 Water Blue with 4 Tree/air green another good combination of energies as water supports tree/air and thus we have another creative receiving energy. Right hand side middle row we have Green 3 Tree/air with 6 Metal grey energy. Now this energy is all about making changes, it can be destructive if it has to be but it can make small adaptations but changes must come.

Bottom left hand side green 4 Tree/air with 7 Metal Red another energy that is adapting or changing but not creative in a giving or taking manner. Grey 6 Metal with 9 Fire Lilac is another changeling.
Finally bottom right hand corner Yellow 2 Earth with 5 Earth mustard a double Earth combination.

White a creative colour, grey is neutral and black is the changeling. So a good month in particular for creating wealth and prosperity, for buying land or property, bank applications.

Maybe a good time to change your career, gain knowledge and wisdom perhaps sign up for a course in education. Just because wealth and prosperity is abounding don't let that make you think it's a good time to spend, spend, spend because it's not. Caution is still required but perhaps we are feeling growth in the housing market and growth in other areas of finances so we can dip our toe in the water. For me as a 1 water it feels like it is going to be a good year. Happy New Year to you all. x

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