Friday 7 February 2014

Map 825 Juggling the Elements of Heaven and Earth

My I Ching Heart

My I Ching Heart will tell on me, there is no escape from my own activities in this world. If I am having a tough time I know that good times will follow but I must remain vigilant in my positivity or more bad times will come.

If you follow the lines of The I Ching Heart you can see the the long lines of stitch are Jang lines and the smaller stitches are Jin lines. They come out of the eye or crown at the base of the heart and work their way upwards on the left Jin side and on the Jang right side. They reach the cross at the top and come down the inside of the heart upside down. So there is no change in 1, 2, 6 or 9 but 3, 4, 7 and 8 do change. 3 becomes 8, 4 becomes 7 and vice versa. You give with outstretched arms and then bring your hands up onto your head into the Mo Farah heart and the energy returns inside the heart to be born again at the crown.

So when you are receiving growth (Jupiter expansion) in your wealth and prosperity (4) you will eventually have to spend (Venus - money) that wealth and prosperity (7) shopping, pensions, art, insurances etc., give and take.

When you gain knowledge and wisdom (8) you have the opportunity to think up new ideas and put them out into the world (3) give and take. Perhaps this is why they change when they come in at the top of the head.

1 water and 9 fire remain the same because they are complete opposites. Jin, Jang, Jin with Jang, Jin, Jang. 6 Metal Heaven and 2 Earth are also complete opposites and remain unchanged on being flipped over. Jang, Jang, Jang, and Jin, Jin, Jin. Jin and Jang cancel each other out.

So we can observe that 1, 2, 6 and 9 are opposite lines that cancel each other out and 3, 4, 7 and 8 are the same lines flipped over and cannot cancel each other out.

We also observe that 6, 9, 7 and 3 are giving out in a Jang manner but become Jin when they enter the Heart at the top. 2, 8, 1 and 4 are given out in a Jin manner and become Jang when they enter the Heart at the top.

Heavenly 6 gives out Jang but becomes Jin on its entry to the heart, Heaven on Earth. 2 Earth gives out Jin but becomes Jang on its entry to the heart, Earth on the Heavens. Do we have our opportunity to return Earth energy to the Heavens with the 2/6 motion and Heavenly energies to the Earth the same way. Heaven and Earth combined by taking away the centre becomes Hearth. This is a creative and supportive energy combination.

Watery 1 gives out its energies in a Jin manner and becomes Jang water when it enters the heart. Fiery 9 gives out Jang energy and becomes Jin Fire when it enters the heart. Is the excess heat of pure fire cooled by the coldness of the water, it would surely be hell if the fire was not cooled. Is the coldness of water warmed by the fire creating that warm stream full of food for the creatures of the sea. Hot and cold create warmth or a centre balance point. 1 water is a controlling energy and will do all in its powers to keep 9 fire under control. Adapting were possible but destroying it altogether if needs be.

3 tree/air is a controlling energy and will do all in its power to keep earth energy under control permeating the earth with its roots adapting were possible but destroying it if required.

7 metal is a controlling energy and will all in its power to keep 4 Tree/Air energy under controlling cutting it back adapting by pruning or chopping it down and destroying it all together if required.

So we can see that all elements are controlling, adapting, destroying, creating and supporting in varying degrees perhaps that is what our life is all about throwing those balls of energy up in the air and juggling them to maintain balance and harmony in the heart. Long may it continue. x

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