Monday 3 February 2014

Map 824 Wind on the Waters of Feng Shui

In life churches are a portal for spiritual energies, very often the alter is placed above a point where two streams of water cross. Ley lines are also at the points where two rivers or streams cross and churches found at the point Ley lines cross. 
An anomaly occurs when these two energies clash or meet. Is a spiritual energy created in this watery environment and this is why water is associated with spiritual natures. These points are like cracks in space and time where perhaps energies break through into our world and guide us. That being the case what occurs in the body when we have a string of DNA made of up of the letter C water. There is nothing solid like Earth A here, just the simple transparency of water. CCCCCCCCCCC or is there?
As I began to draw the I Ching Hexagram versions of DNA I realised for every string of CCCCCCCCC water there is also a string of GGGGGGGG Tree/Air energy. Or in short wind and water, Feng Shui.
So when we have an accumulation of water we are attracting to it an accumulation of air/tree energy. Does that make water the ideal medium for communications with the Heavens here on Earth. Wind blowing in across the waters is visually a beautiful image, although rough seas come this way too. Perhaps a gentle breeze across a stream might be a better interpretation of the Heavens whispering to us and guiding us on our journey through time. 


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