Tuesday, 17 October 2017

The Revolutions of the Record Player of Life 6/6 Crystal

Above we have the record of life which shows us all the six crystals which contain all 64 codons of DNA. The outer edge is made up of the 6/6 - 2/2 crystal which is twelve parts or codons. Each codon has three musical notes to it so let us work from the East to North to West to South and back to East again. This will create 36 musical notes and plays the 6/6 crystal. As we can see from the above pattern of the 6/6 it is associated with Heaven and Earth and is very orderly. As it is on the outer edge of the record the circle it creates is bigger than say the Diamond crystal at the centre....... would this make the record play differently. If you take a 78 or 45 or 33 rpm record it manages to play all of the grooves in the same time beat so perhaps there would be no change for the crystals even though the circumference of the circle they create differs. Here we have the notes for the 6/6 - 2/2 crystal which as each codon is three notes would likely be in 3:3 time.

6/2 - AAA - C# - F - A
7/2 - AAC - C# - F - B
3/2 - ACC - C# - G - B
2/2 - CCC - D# - G - B
2/8 - CCT - D# - G - G#
2/4 - CTT -  D# - E - G#
2/6 - TTT - C - E - G#
8/6 - TTG - C - E - A#
4/6 - TGG - C - F# - A#
6/6 - GGG - D - F# - A#
6/7 - GGA - D - F# - A
6/3 - GAA - D - F - A

We now have the list of the musical notes that would be played on the record player as it moved around the record but would it play as in the first row of notes one at a time not completing until it had made three revolutions or would it play the whole codon in each case.

Playing 1 letter of the codon at a time...

C# C# C# D# D# D# C C C D D D F F G G E E F# F# F# F A B B B G# G# G# A# A# A# A

This seems quite repetitive perhaps also three notes played together would work best....

C# F A C# F B C# G B D# G B D# G G# D# E G# C E G# C E A# C F# A# D F# A# D F# A D F A

I wonder what the codons and music create together....

AAAAACACCCCCCCTCTTTTTTTGTGGGGGGGAGAA........amino acids in creation..... or a symphony of music.

We also see from the Picture Frame type image below that The I Ching contains all of the codons from the 6/6 - 2/2 crystal around its outer edge in a one, two, space, three, space, space, space and four pattern around its outer edges. With little rosebuds at these points it makes a lovely shape for a picture frame.

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