Friday 11 December 2020

Adapting the Music of The Spheres of The I Ching to be more harmonious

Music and the I Ching connecting to Nine Star Ki and DNA Codons........if the music is not harmonious when played we can adapt it and that is what we are seeing here with these maps.
This is just one row of the I Ching associated with the number 4……..notice that the first and the last are harmonious and do not need to be changed to find harmony. This rule applies with 2, 8, 1, 4, 3, 9, 7 and 6. All of the Each of the Nine Star Ki or DNA Codons that need to be changed become another codon that is the shape of the Grand Trine or The Alternator that are placed around the outside edge of the I Ching. So can we conclude from this that water and earth with fire and air/tree are harmonious when played together but if we have as an example ATC 3/1 C# E B would need to be adapted to be complimentary so A and C are complimentary with just T needing to be changed and we end up with AAC 7/2 C# F B which is now harmonious. ATC is a Teacher shape and adapting it makes it into AAC an Alternator shape. All of the codons inside of the outer edge of the I Ching adapt and move to the side as an alternative more harmonious tune. The 6/6 - 2/2 crystal has all of its 12 codons on the outer edge of the I Ching and we see below the roses are positioned where those codons sit.
So all 64 of the DNA codons are within The I Ching map the codes within the centre all need to be changed to harmonise and if they do they move to an outer edge of the I Ching map and change from Ruminator, Teacher, Worker, Lecturer, Thinker and Magician……….only the Grand Trine and The Alternators remain unchanged…...which sit as two pillars of The I Ching left and right hand side. Food for thought I read somewhere this week T can become G in DNA codons and perhaps music will be a source of ways to think about this problem, the Alternators and Grand Trines are harmonious tones that help other codons to become harmonious but they do not need to adapt themselves… wonder the 6/6 crystal is known as the Heavenly crystal it is simple and harmonious and helps other less harmonious codons to find harmony. They are like little Angels. Below you will find the I Ching map itself and the inner Hexagrams and how they all attach to a Hexagram on the outer edge of The I Ching map.....maybe they can operate better from the outer limits. Enjoy your thinking. x

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