Thursday 3 December 2020

Merry Christmas DNA Card

This is an image of a Christmas tree Blue and Yellow or C and G go together and Orange and Green or T and A go together. Each branch creates a triangle of colour and each hexagram matches up to its opposite on the other side of the tree. Both trees should be back to back but I separate them here for you to see. The three same letters are the Stars on the top of the tree making a star of david pattern ...CCC...TTT...GGG...AAA. The branches create three sided triangles of different colours for DNA Codons the letters of the codons and the number on the Hexagram always match up to another on the opposite side.........the tinsel lines between the hearts shows that connection. The cubes on the ground as gifts can create all 64 DNA Codons when turned around......from so little so much can be created. Merry Christmas.
Most connections go from side to side except in the blue yellow tree two lots connect vertically instead of horizontally. x

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