Saturday 19 December 2020

I Ching Colour Image for DNA Codons

In line with the earlier article showing that the twin sides of The I Ching all play harmonious music we can see from this image why that is.....across the top we see blue with orange or C with T which is not a harmonious match so only the two corners of the top row are harmonious. Down the left hand side are only blue and green Blue C Water with Green A Earth these two are harmonious together hence the whole of the left hand column is harmonious. The right hand colum is made up of Yellow and Orange Orange T Fire and Yellow G Air which are compatible together so the whole of the right hand column is also harmonious. Then when we look at the 6 rows from top to bottom that exclude the twin pillars at the sides we see that the combination of colours means that at least one of them is inharmonious and thus needs to be changed by raising the tone or lowering the tone by half a note. Then all the 64 codons of The I Ching can work in a balanced and harmonious way. x

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