Thursday 31 December 2020

Final Report on the patterns in The I Ching for DNA Music played Harmoniously

So above we have the inharmonious codons which have been raised or lowered by half a tone and now they play a tune shown in the left hand and right hand columns. Twin Pillars that absorb all of the music where all the elements are harmonious. The map above appears to be correct and as far as I can see it is correct except for a missing line which I show in the repeating pattern below with a purple line in the missing part. Patterns usually conform and yet this one line is missing and not creating a perfect pattern. It appears to be a problem with GAT 7/9 D F G sharp musical notes...........or potentially GCA 9/3 D G A. Thus far I cannot fathom why this line is missing....but you can be sure I will give it some thought and return to it. x
Other patterns within the pattern show three X's on the top row....then we have four rows with 7 X's....the green dot shows where two lines cross and the red line the position of the Hexagram in The I Ching.....row 6 has only 6 rather than 7 X's......and then the bottom row has three X's. So without a doubt there is a puzzle over the missing line and why is is not completing the pattern. See next listing it was not a missing line but a line that should have been missing. x

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