Thursday, 30 November 2023

Monday, 27 November 2023

DNA Codons. And The Crystals of The I Ching comparisons


Here we have the six crystals of DNA and The I Ching Hexagrams. They form into sections of 12 with the 6/6 - 1/1 and 8/4 crystals remaining in sections of 12. The Diamond Crystal is made up of only four crystals. Then we have the double crystal which combined is made up of 24 codons and though they can work separately they also seem to want to be together. 

The 8/4 - Diamond and Double Crystals all seem to connect up in a diagonal line to the same colours or letters of the codon. This makes it very orderly and organised in appearance. The 1/1 crystals has to zig zag from side to side in order to connect the colours but the 6/6 crystals seems to want to create box like shapes whilst connecting to the same colours. All the colours come in blocks when written this way. I wonder if DNA itself creates different movements with different rows of DNA.

If we look at it from an Amino Acid point of view 1/7 TGC from the 1/1 crystal is cysteine and creates the zig zag of the 1/1 crystal but if you look at Cysteine 1/6 TGT it is in the 8/4 crystal creates a simple diagonal line which is unlike the cysteine in the 1/1 crystal. Amino acids can have the same names but they often act in different ways too. 

1/7 TGC makes music of C F# B cysteine and 1/6 makes music of C F# G# cysteine….the jump from G# to B is 3 moves………once again making cysteine but differently. 

So many ways to look at the same thing differently x 

Wednesday, 22 November 2023

The Elemental Quadrants of the Four Elements in the Record of Life


Here we see what I call the record of life. It contains all 64 codons of DNA in the 12 houses of the astrology chart. There are 6 crystals of DNA formed from the information in The I Ching the 1/1-9/9 the 2/2 - 6/6 the 8/4 - 7/3 the double crystal containing 24 rather than 12 codons and finally the Smaller diamond crystal we find at the centre of the record, less codons in the Diamond but they are bigger in size. Six crystals in all make up the record of life and the 64 codons of DNA. If we look above we can see that the colours dominate in certain quadrants of the record and I have separated them and shown them in the usual positions of Element colours.

Water to the top left hand side Earth to the bottom………Fire to the top right hand side with Air/Tree to the bottom. They may blend as they create the 64 codons but they will still dominate in their own quadrants. 

Play beautiful music. X 

Tuesday, 14 November 2023

A Weavers View of The I Ching


Here we see the 9 colour (including the 5) of The Word in The I Ching style of 2814(5)3976 I have blended them one at a time on the left but the rows on the right are drawn on after all the horizontals are in place. It shows clearly that we need to weave those lines one at a time so the weave holds the pattern together. On the right just horizontal and vertical lines show they do not weave they do not support each other either. So maybe that crucifix is more supportive than we realise. X 

Soloman’s Temple of Life


Here we have a map of 36 triangles as in the game Soloman’s Temple. These 36 triangles contain all 64 codons of DNA and can be read in any direction. This map is North South based but they can also be East West as well. I have outlined three of the triangles which give us the codon TGC and also the Codon CGT. To the left are other ways to describe the codon CGT and to the right are ways to describe the Codon TGC. 

My own Codon is TGC and gives Nine Star Ki of 1/7, plays the musical notes C F# B, the planets associated with it are Mercury/Venus, Aspect Shape Ruminator 180* x 150* x 30*, it is hydrophobic, creates the amino acid Cysteine, it takes the direction North East to South West, belonging to the 1/1-9/9 Crystal and Hexagram 47.

CGT has a Nine Star Ki of 1/4, musically D# F# G#, the planets are Mercury and Jupiter, Aspect Shape Teacher 90 x 60 x 150, it is hydrophilic, creates the amino acid Arginine, it takes the direction South West to North East, belonging to the Double Crystal and Hexagram 59. 

One strip of three triangles with two sets of patterns and I wonder in what way cysteine and arginine play together is there a partnership here too. 

Enjoy your thinking. X 

Monday, 13 November 2023

Nine Star Ki Showing 9 numbers in The I Ching map known as The Word


This is the I Ching tapestry based on the usual 28143976 but on this occasion I have added in the centre the 5 giving a nine pattern of 281435976. In the Nine Star Ki years we have the number 5 year which is usually substituting the number 5 for a 2 so I feel maybe we should start considering the extra number does have a right to be there. The 2/2 column is identical to the 5/5 but that seems unfair not to let it takes its position at the centre. X 

Saturday, 11 November 2023

Heaven on Earth for TGC DNA Codon


As above is not always as below. TGC above becoming ACG below. Above read from bottom up and below read from above to bottom.  . . . Just seeing also GCA 1/7 TGC and its opposite 9/8 GCA are also visible here read from the other end………..x

Monday, 6 November 2023

The aspect Shapes of Number 4 Year 2023

 Here we see the 8 shapes of DNA Codons ….

Shapes can connect with other shapes that have the same sides as they do lets look at who relates to who.

Grand Trine connects with Lecturer, Thinker, Alternator and of course the Trine itself. So only four shapes connecting here.

Lecturer connects with Lecturer, Worker, Thinker, Ruminator, Teacher, Alternator and Grand Trine.This is ALL shapes. 

Worker connects with Lecturer, Worker, Ruminator, Teacher and Alternator. 

Thinker connects with Lecturer, Thinker, Ruminator, Teacher, Magician and Alternator.

Ruminator connects with Lecturer, Worker, Thinker, Ruminator, Teacher, Magician and Alternator. 

Teacher connects with Lecturer, Worker, Thinker, Ruminator, Teacher, Magician and Alternator. 

Magician connects with Lecturer, Thinker, Ruminator, Teacher, Magician and Alternator.

Alternator connects with Lecturer, Worker, Thinker, Ruminator, Teacher, Magician, Alternator and Grand Trine. This is ALL shapes. 

The biggest communicators are The Lecturer and The Alternator with all 8 shapes connecting.  Followed by The Ruminator and The Teacher that both connect with 7 shapes.

Then The Magician and The Thinker connect to 6 shapes The Lecturer, Thinker, Ruminator, Teacher, Magician and Alternator. 

The Worker connects to only 5 shapes Lecturer, Worker, Ruminator, Teacher and Alternator. 

Finally the shape that has the least connections is The Grand Trine itself which connects with 4 other shapes The Lecturer, Thinker, Alternator and The Grand Trine. 

During this 4 years - 2023 the shapes that are in action are as follows……The Lecturer x 2, The Magician x 3, The Alternator x 4 and finally the Worker x 3. These shapes make up the 12 months of the 4 year. 

Make happy shapes……….x

The Musical notes of 3 and 4 years e.g. 2023 and 2034

 Changes from year to year in the pairings……….

1 and 9 are a pairing of years……

1….. C D# F F# G# B

9….. C# D E G A A#

C with C# just half a note between them 9 is raised

D# with D just half a note between them 1 is raised

F with E just a half note between them 1 is raised

F# with G just a half note between them 9 is raised

G# with A just a half note between them 9 is raised

B with A# just a half note between them 1 is raised 

Equal highs and lows

3 and 4 are a pairing of years…..

3….. C# D E G G# B

4….. C D# F F# A A#

C# with C just half a tone between them 3 is raised

D with D# just half a tone between them 4 is raised

E with F just half a tone between them 4 is raised 

G with F# just half a tone between them  3 is raised

G# with A just half a tone between them 4 is raised

B with A# just half a tone between them 3 is raised 

Equal highs and lows

And so it goes on through the pairings 1/9  - 2/6 and 5 - 3/4 and 7/8

The years may pair up and combined they will offer up all 12 musical notes so over the period of two years music will lift and lower our moods throughout. Does this musical dalliance have anything to do with the hum that can be recorded and denote the year it has been made.I wonder. Until then we should play the music we have been gifted and enjoy life. X