Monday 8 July 2024

A Few Images that May be Useful to You


This is a Bagua of 729 squares or 27 x 27 cubes………..based on number 7 at the centre and a different colour for each of the 9 numbers………….making anyone making an embroideries life easier.

Below we have the Record of Life which shows how The I Ching Crystals sit in the circle of life. 6 crystals 3 with 12 codons in each a double with 24 codons and a diamond centre crystal which contains only 4 codons. 64 Codons in all sitting in a circle of 12 houses. The needle sets down on the Green A Earth in the east of a chart of ascendant. The arm sits still but the record goes around in a clockwise direction coming to C Blue Water next, then Orange T Fire and finally G Yellow Air/Tree before returning once more to the A Green Earth my own TGC can be found in the third house associated with Gemini and communications. 

This image is an I Ching The Word map of 28143976…….showing the I Ching number positions, the DNA Codon, the Aspect Shape and finally the Amino Acid associated with each position. 

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