Monday 15 July 2024

Soloman’s Temple of 34 Triangles and its lack of Elements


As we know by now the game Soloman’s Temple has been played with a minimum of 36 triangles for many years as I thought that was the least pattern you could create which still showed all 64 codons within the pattern. Now I realise 34 will also show all 64 codons but it does mean instead of the balanced elements of 9 each water, air, earth and fire we now have an imbalance.

The top image shows T Fire and G Air/Tree both have only 8 triangles which means the shape is correct but lacks Fire and Air/tree and that Water and Earth dominate with 9 triangles each. It shows something is not as balanced as it could be with the 36 triangles of 9 of each of the elements. You can still create the pattern with 40 or more triangles but they show excess whereas although 34 is correct is definitely shows a lack in this image of Fire and Air/tree.

This one below has 34 triangles and does create all 64 codons of DNA but it too shows lack of elements…


Here the lack is G Air/tree and T Fire once again………two successes does not make it correct to assume that all 34 triangles of Soloman’s Temples will show a lack of Fire and Air……..are they less important in the making of proteins or amino acids……..time will tell creating a 34 in itself is difficult but I will keep chipping away and see if I can create another pattern which shows a lack of Water and Earth. Watch this space. X 

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