A Detailed Version of 2025’s 2 Year
2-3 TCC 2-7 TTC 2-5 (2) CCC
October June August
Thinker Thinker Grand Trine
Serine Phenylalanine Proline
Hex 16 Hex 45 Hex 2
SE/NW S/N Centre
Double Double 6/6 - 2/2
Fire Quad Fire Quad Water Quad
C G B C E B D# G B
Saturn Jupiter Saturn Venus Saturn Saturn
150 x 120 x 30 120 x 150 x 30 120 x 120 x 120
This is how these DNA Codons appear as Triangles of colour odd numbers of Hexagrams are shaped like a boat even numbers are more like a roof or upturned boat (like a cathedral but I digress)
2-4 CTT 2-2 CCC 2-9 TCT
September Feb & Nov April & Jan
Thinker Grand Trine Thinker
Leucine Proline Serine
Hex 20 Hex 2 Hex 35
E/W Centre W/E
6/6 - 2/2 6/6 - 2/2 8/4 - 7/3
Water Quad Water Quad Fire Quad
D# E G# D# G B C G G#
Saturn Jupiter Saturn Saturn Saturn Mars
30 x 120 x 150 120 x 120 x 120 150 x 30 x 120
2-8 CCT 2-6 TTT 2-1 CTC
May July Mar & Dec
Thinker Grand Trine Thinker
Proline Phenylalanine Leucine
Hex 23 Hex 12 Hex 8
6/6 - 2/2 6/6 - 2/2 8/4 - 7/3
Water Quad Fire Quad Water Quad
D# G G# C E G# D# E B
Saturn Saturn Saturn Venus Saturn Mercury
120 x 30 x 150 120 x 120 x 120 30 x 150 x 120
As you can see only the colours Orange and Blue appear in any of the DNA Codons for 2025……
Heavenly above ground 21 C Water Blue 15 T Orange Fire
No Earth A Green and no Air/Tree G Yellow.
Take a peek at the directions the energy is flowing and you see they are all turned inwards. All energy is facing the centre 2/2 Codon. It is as though all the energy is pouring in a black whole at the centre. 2 does not share another year it stands alone and next year moves straight into a 1 year which pairs with 9 and so on. All the other years get to share with a partner and number 2 is a one off. Maybe because the energy turns inwards it has no need of another year to cancel it out as the other pairings of 1-9…8-7…6-5…4-3…2……….then begin again.
Musically the notes play only Fire and Water notes…
C D# E G G# B
Fire Water Fire Water Fire Water
Aries Cancer Leo Scorpio Sagittarius Pisces
I am I feel I will I desire I perceive I believe
Aspect shapes for each month in a 2 year are a variation of Thinkers and Grand Trines……..if you look at the circle we have only blue or green aspect lines here, no red energy at all. That said if the energy is now in the process of turning inwards it doesn’t really need any red doing energy.