Tuesday 23 February 2021

Hex 38 DNA Codon GAT - 7/9 Nine Star Ki - Who are you

                                                                           Who Am I …

GAT - 7/9
Hexagram 38 
GAT – 7/9
Aspartic Acid – Hydrophilic
Hex – 38 Rear side of Cube
East West Axis
1/1 Crystal
Air Quadrant
D F G#
Venus Mars
90 x 90 x 180
Houses 3 - 6 - 9
Nervous System - Intestines - Liver

Number 7: Charismatic or big spender, a lake attracts wildlife, people are drawn to you, richness and happiness, joy, sociable, good speakers, can be nervous or shy at times, quick witted, can sense what others are thinking, self interest will give them problems or improve their lives once they learn to finish what they have started and realise that fun is fun but it will hold you back if it becomes to much of a part of who you are. Enjoy your earnings from your creative nature or spend other peoples and lose that talent forever.

Number 9: Radiant or ostentatious – radiant, hot, fiery, inspirational. fame and success, a star is born, passion, desire, self confidence. Famous or famous for being famous, success can come from either but only of them really has any merit, if you have the potential for
fame use it wisely or risk the end result being infamy, being known for something bad rather than good. Don't let ego take over, believe in yourself and your ability not the publicity that surrounds you. Stay grounded and do only that which you would like to be known for. Pride in yourself without becoming a peacock. It's one thing to walk the red carpet another entirely to strut it. Can take a walk on the dark side from time to time.

Amino Acid... Aspartic Acid which is hydrophilic on the phosphorous outer edge of a string of DNA. Can be found in artificial sweeteners. Protects from sports injuries, keeps your metabolism working well. 

7/9 Hex 38 – Mutual Alienation...estranged, opposites, disharmony, polarised, separation, incongruous, contraction, this is all about things that are connected that ordinarily would not be, success in small steps, understands that some things are opposing forces and simply find a way to handle it. . . . or maybe a connection to spooky action from a distance. 

Sits in the East facing west you should be an early starter, it is early morning the Sun has just risen, the shock of the New, spring is bursting forth, new shoots sprouting, growth, springtime, excitement is in the air, something new is coming. Looking over to the West its family time, tea time, the end of the day or year is coming, its Autumn did you put in the work required to bring home a good harvest. Its fun and laughter time, pleasure seeking, now that the harvest is in. Enjoy your success. 

1/1 – 9/9 Crystal … Unfinished business ... people in the home ... exhaustion … clarity …  the well … mutual alienation … settled … completion … liberation … adornment ... the persona … danger … bite through … impasse.

If you read the key words for these hexagrams you will get the feeling that this crystal is all about difficulties that can cross your path, there is work to be done here and completed, this  Crystal contains hexagram 64 and you would expect it to mark the end but 63 marks the completion, perhaps we are never finished, what we have created in the first 6/6 crystal perhaps needs tweaking in the 1/1, this is about what is not already past and done with, perhaps a new zero point is coming about, it's no longer just you and me it's now about family too, people in the home, dwelling with people who care about you, the psyche is being born here as we begin to see ourselves through other people, exhaustion and adversity, don't talk about it just do it, actions speak louder than words, try not to do everything or exhaustion could result, in that psyche born of other people a sanctuary called home will be required, reaching clarity, points of light, increased perception and longer periods of lucidity, the well spring of potential, connection to the source through the psyche bringing about transformations and changes, adaptations to the generations as they come and go and life continues, estrangement and opposition, connections are made that perhaps you are learning to understand there are opposing forces and you must find the best ways to handle it, what has already passed is now complete, your mission should you wish to accept it, perhaps you have completed one task only to continue with the genetic journey and start again, you feel liberated and free you have delivered your message, you can loosen up now and feel stable and balanced, who am I, rather than who do I appear to be, matching the inner you with the outer persona, adorning yourself on the outside will not change who you are on the inside, luxury, beauty and elegance can be yours inside and out, beware danger, the entrapment of dark forces, the abyss, remain true to who you are, chew it over, get the message, make changes necessary, remain lawful it is easy to be good when things are going well remain that way when they aren't, obstructions, barriers, just sit tight, help will come if you have remained true, and return to zero point. 

This crystal appears to be about what has been manifest and how it gets on with life and its difficulties. If you accept the mission you should see it through to completion.

The 1/1 crystal...The image is now more widely spread around the circle less orderly than the 6/6. Chaos is coming into the world. In the record of life you are positioned in the 6th house of workplaces, co-workers, minor health issues and small animals, or pets. So your work placement is going to be of importance to you. 

GAT – G air/tree thinking energy, the abstract mind, perception, communications and brain function. All above ground.

A is Earth and below ground the physical manifestation of things into the material world, being orderly will help in the workplace. 

T – Fire warm or hot, enthusiastic, radiates light and inspiration. Useful for designing, thinking it, being inspired to create it and manifesting it.

Venus – Mars (Your planets)

GAT – Aspartic Acid (your amino acid)
Combined male and female energies here. Bi – forces. Magnetic attractive people who love romantic and sexual relationships. Bond easily with others, very sexual beings. Quick to begin a relationship, they need to feel vital and alive within that relationship. Passionate, thrill seekers. Charming persona but they can assert themselves if required. Direct and to the point they are passionate about getting what they want out of a relationship, potentially a little blunt. Have to be careful not to go too tough. Very artistic and creative beings who are determined to get their creativity out into the world. They are very alive and warm hearted and that comes across in their work. They will do the work required to get their art discovered. The men here could be in touch with their feminine side and the women stronger than you realise. 

Your musical tones. D F G# or A Major or C# minor, enjoy.

Aspect shape.....G of Gemini (nervous system) 90* to A of Virgo (Intestines) 90* to T of Sagittarius (liver) then 180* back to Gemini. 90 x 90 x 180*. 

The worker. The T square busy, busy, busy, tensions can become bottled up and may find an outlet in the corner of the two smaller lines. For you that is Gemini 90* to Virgo, 90* to Sagittarius and then 180* back to Gemini. So the Virgo point is the outlet....so many ideas can be released through an orderly workplace and in the service of others.  Over active, you must be doing something all of the time, potential for ADHD type symptoms because you do not find any rest, find that outlet or you will be stressed out. Work is your outlet, hard working so can achieve your goals if you don't burn out first. Find ways to relax and get some peace and work. 

Self conscious, rash, hasty, talkative, entertaining and hypersensitive. Two Sides to this person you appear strong but on the inside your very sensitive. Hate to feel alone.  Great communicators, can get their message across. Charming and personable on first meeting but much more self conscious than you can imagine. Take a lot of trouble with their appearance, creating an image makes them feel more confident. Moody and at times very changeable, especially if they feel challenged. Prefers their own opinion a lot of the time. Avoid forcing your ideas on others, be more gentle. Start something and try to see it through to its completion if you want to achieve success. Charming and frivolous, watch this if you don’t want to be losing partners. Quick to take advantage of money making ideas but long term planning needs improvement. You must have a financial plan and stick to it. Passionate about what you want keep those goals in your sights. 

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