Monday 22 February 2021

Tools to make Observations on The DNA Codons of Life


This is the window of DNA and its colours Blue is C Water...Orange is T Fire...Yellow is G Air/Tree and Green is A Earth they tend to move clockwise for DNA but anti clockwise for RNA changes.  Elementary changes. 

This is The Word 28143976 showing the DNA Codon its aspect shape and the amino acid associated with it. The Nine star Ki can be worked out from the numbers at the side and across the top. The First or year number is down the side and the month number is across the top. E.g. A 3 at the side with a 7 across the top creates 3/7 GTC.

This is another version of The Word showing Hexagram numbers and Nine Star Ki Numbers. 

This image is called The Record of Life and shows all 64 codons and their positions in the houses of the zodiac when you place the needle on the record player place it down on the orange fire area and it will pass through yellow Air/Tree then Green Earth and finally Blue Water before moving once again into the orange zone. The codons are positioned as they appear in the Crystals with peaks at IC and MC positions of a chart. 

This is 8 ribbons vertically and 8 ribbons horizontally which weave together to create the fabric of life and also of course The I Ching. 

This is a map showing the 8 different shapes of DNA in Triangular form............only the Grand Trine and The Alternator are harmonious musically the others need to adapt to be able to play the Alternator or Grand Trine by raising or lowering their own music by half a tone. Then it becomes harmonious. Take for exaple TGC 1/7 C F# B which needs to lower the musical tone by half creating The Alternator 4/6 TGG C F# A# ......only the twin pillars to either side of the I Ching map play harmonious music without being adapted. 

Each Number has a planet....1 Mercury/Moon...2 Saturn...3 Jupiter....4 Jupiter....6 Venus....7 Venus....8 Saturn and nine Mars/Sun.

Each codon is either hydrophilic and loves water or is hydrophobic and avoids water where possible preferring to be on the inside of a pattern staying dry. Neutrals can become either and you will notice each pairing of codons matches hydrophobic with hydrophilic or a neutral will step in and can be either. 

This is a map probably the one that gave me the biggest breakthrough in finding patterns within the Hexagrams of The I Ching. Starting bottom left with Hex 1 GGG and Hexagram 2 CCC .....ending on Hexagram 63 ATA and Hex 64 TAT.

You know that in DNA C and G are matching pairs and T and A are matching pairs but in the Hexagrams its a different story.

If you match 2 three letter codons you will notice the Hexagram numbers will be 47 and 48 for example. An uneven number with an even number. Hex 47 is TGC so it pairs with Hexagram 48 CGA not the usual DNA match. Predominantly in The Hexagrams and in The Crystals the pairings are if the codons letter just consist of C and or G then they still pair up the way DNA does C pairs with G and G pairs with C but if the pairing has a T or A in it then C and G remain unchanged and only T and A are changed. As in TGC above the pairing is CGA only T was changed to an A. 

This works fine except when it is what I call an alert and it does not conform for some reason or another they are marked with a red heart and they mix and match differently to their pairing. So here we have those pairings. You know they are wrong as their Nine Star Ki, or Hexagram numbers wont match up so we have to accept this is how it is but 8 DNA Codons operate differently.

Take ACT 3/8 Hex 27 if we try to adapt this in the normal way we would end up with another ACT could these be causing problems in repeating DNA. Patterns......I don’t know but they cannot have the correct match so they share this pairing with TGA which has the same problem so they swop hats to help each other out. 

Sometimes C and G have similar problems and have resolved them in similar ways. 

We can see from the bottom right hand corner GGG that the energies of the Hexagrams push out from this corner into the rest of the map. GGG The Heavens perhaps the breath of God pushing onwards. 

Plenty of food for thought here. Enjoy x 

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