Saturday 20 February 2021

Variations on the I Ching. And Number 7 in the Earth Section

 Number 7 in The Earth Section of The I Ching

2            8             1             4 ALERT

AAC          AAT            AGC            AGT

7/2            7/8            7/1            7/4

Asparagine  Asparagine  Serine   Serine

Hex 19        Hex 41        Hex 60        Hex 61

N/S            SE/NW        SW/NE        NE/SW

6/6 Crystal   Double        Double        Diamond

Hydrophilic    Hydrophilic    Hydrophilic    Neutral

C# F B        C# F G#        C# F# B        C# F# G#

Venus        Venus         Venus        Venus

Saturn        Saturn        Mercury        Jupiter

120x180x60  120x90x150  150x150x60  150x60x150

Alternator        Lecturer        Magician        Magician

Harmonious    AAA            ACC            GGT

No change     C# F A        C# G B        D F# G#

                                  AAC            TGT

                              C# F B         C F# G#

Top Line gives us the Nine Star ki Individual number.

Second Line gives us the three letter DNA Codon.

Third Line gives us the Nine Star Ki numbers for this codon.

Fourth line gives us the Amino Acid this DNA Codon makes. 

Fifth line gives us The I Ching Hexagram number.

Sixth line gives us the position when at centre of the direction it takes.

Seventh line gives us the crystal this codon is a part of.

Eight line denotes if it is hydrophobic or hydrophilic because when they pair up it has to be with the opposite or a neautral.

Ninth line denotes the musical notes this Codon makes.

Tenth line tells you which two planets the nine star ki are associated with.

Eleventh line the measurements of the Aspect shape this codon creates within a circle. 

Twelfth line the name of The Aspect Shape it creates.

Thirteenth line gives you a new codon or musical tone to adapt the codon to three letters that are harmonious together. E.g. CCC are harmonious together therefore need no change. Water C pairs with Earth A and Fire T with Air G. 

Fourteenth line shows the new musical notes required to harmonise the codon. 

Number 7 of theAir/Tree Section to follow...

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