Saturday 9 December 2023

DNA Christmas Tree Retrograde Codons


We see here the retrograde DNA Codons on the Christmas Tree and whilst I agree with your thoughts, so what, I cannot help but think its odd that all ten of them are on the bottom branches of the tree. In the left
hand lower branches which belong to the C G tree we also have two pairs of Hexagrams with ACT the only one that does not have a partner. 

The Orange and Green tree on the right hand side also show the retrogrades on the bottom branches but there are no Hexagram pairs here. 

There are five baubles on each of the lower branches of the tree leaving 7 Codons that are not retrograde. The secret 7 and famous 5 counts so often appear within the patterns of The I Ching. 

The Codons that are clockwise have a matching Hexagram on the same branches but move in a different way. My own TGC Hex 47 is on the Blue Yellow trees bottom right hand side and although its not retrograde (Perhaps connected to the past) it is still on the bottom branch I was rather hoping to be at the top of my tree but I guess you can’t have everything. Maybe those on the top branches are closer to the Heavenly Father Trines bringing talent to the world whilst those on the bottom branches are closer to Mother Earth and manifest it. 

Enjoy your Christmas thinking x

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