Sunday 31 December 2023

The Elements of DNA Codons


The journey of the Knights Templar through DNA codons and music………

To travel from one letter to another we create a pattern………

C connects to T horizontally to A vertically and to G diagonally creating a Z shape

T.        “          C       “                 G         “                 A               “              An inverted Z shape

G        “           A      “                 T          “                 C               “  creating a Z shape

A        “           G      “                 C          “                 T               “              An inverted Z shape 

Z looks like a 5 and the inverted Z looks like a 2 which as we know are the same in Nine Star Ki. 

Musically there are three positions for each of the letters and these musical notes tell us which C it is for example D# is Cancer and the first of the water signs and G is Scorpio second of the water signs and B is Pisces that last of the water signs…….and so on through the letters. 

Enjoy your thinking and a very Happy New Year to you x 

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