Monday 11 December 2023

Final look at the Errors within Christmas Tree Hexagrams and DNA Codons


We see here the Christmas Tree of Life's bottom branches and those marked move in an anticlockwise direction and all others move clockwise. I shows all the Codons that are affected and that they are all on the bottom branches which made me wonder if the alerts in I Ching DNA Codon Crystals have any weird connections. 

Alerts are Hexagrams that DO match up to their partners in a crystal but they do not create the true letters in DNA Codons. Alerts are as follows…..

CCG - TCA - CGG - TGA - ACT - GCC - AGT - GGC ………So let’s see which branches they appear on. 

Blue and Yellow Tree                            Orange and Green Tree

CCG Top Left Branch                            TCA Bottom Right Branch
CGG Top Right Branch                          TGA Bottom Left Branch 
GCC Top Left Branch                            ACT Bottom Right Branch Also anti-clockwise
GGC Top Right Branch                         AGT Bottom Left Branch Also anti-clockwise     

Well we see the ones beginning with G or C are all connected to the Top branches and the ones that start with T or A are on the bottom branches. Two of the Codons ACT and AGT are also moving in an anti-clockwise direction. Nothing out of the ordinary appears to happen on the second and third branches. 

What this might mean of course is another question. We must remember that the tree is based on matching pairs of Hexagrams in the I Ching therefore in this case DNA is secondary. In Hexagrams one codon sits above another codon as in these examples which then go on to be the opposite of each other in diagonal lines…….

                                TCG - 56       CCC - 2       TAC - 40

                                GCA - 55      GGG - 1        CTA - 39

Crystals pair up with Hexagrams e.g. 55/56 - 1/2 - 39/40 in numbers.  In a hexagram with only G’s or C’s in them they become the opposite so GGG becomes CCC. If the codon has T or A in it the C and G remain unchanged but the T swopped to an A and vice versa. So CTA becomes TAC rather than TAG as it would in a DNA Codon ….

                                Hexagrams CGA Hex 48 pairs with TGC Hex 47 in Crystals 

                                Hexagram CGA Hex 48 pairs with TCG in DNA Codons Hex 56

So now we have variations on the theme CGA and TGC are no longer partnered together in DNA Codons and yet in the tree they remain loyal to matching with the Hexagrams and not with DNA. In a crystal we can turn one entire side upside down and it then pairs with DNA but not as the crystal shape.             

I wonder if the diagonal tinsel of the orange and green tree would become verticals like the blue and yellow tree if we were to flip one side of each tree. Oh dear its not easy to think in this way. Perhaps trees can take a break till next Christmas now and hopefully I will have resolved the dilemma by then. Merry Christmas x                 

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