Friday 1 December 2023

The number 1 and its Patterns in Nine Star Ki

 When you consider the number in a set year and what they are strongest in it can stand out for example……

Number 1 year is strongest in The Alternator (4) shape, with Teachers (3) and Ruminators (3) next, finally The Lecturers (2). If you think about Lecturers, Teachers and Ruminators they are all about learning and stewing over things until the answer comes to them. Clearly the 1/1 crystal is going to be the strongest for the number 1.  The 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal has 5 connections with the 8/4 - 7/3 Crystal with 4 and finally the Double crystal has 3. It has no connection to the 6/6 - 2/2 crystal, or the Dimond Crystal or the Double. Musical notes for the 1 year are C D# F F# G# B with the other missing six notes in action during a 9 year. Obviously as Mercury represents the number 1 it dominates here with 14 markers, Venus has 4 so Mercury/Venus are the strongest planets. Saturn has 3, Jupiter 2 and Mars 1. The elements from DNA codon letters are 12 C Water - 12 T Fire - 6 A Earth and 6 G Air. This is energy that is strongest above the Earth. Lest you are born of fire and water you will not see the kingdom of Heaven so perhaps some heavenly energies can manifest through the number 1.  Amino Acids focus on 4 Histidines - 4 Cysteines - 2 Arganine - 2 Tyrosine. They have equal amounts of hydrophobic codons and hydrophilic codons although 2 of the phobics can be neutral if required. The aspect shapes are made up of degrees of a circle and within the number 1 we have 3 x 30* - 7 x 60* - 5 x 90* - 6 x 120* - 8 x 150* and 7 x 180*. So 150 degree quincunx aspect dominates in the patterns of the number 1 year which stirs the pot of the ruminator nicely and it helps with thinking, second aspect is 180* so we are seeing some opposition her and add that to the 150* and you are almost there creating a Ruminator. 60 degree sextile (7) is joint second, maybe offering a little more peace and tranquillity or creativity to the mix. There are 6 120* Trines blue and 5 red squares of 90* with 3 Semisextiles of 30* to once more go with those ruminators. So all the shapes Alternator, Teachers, Lecturers and Ruminators can be found here. Put all 12 patterns in the circle and you get the patterns below some lines are shared between aspect shapes.

From the image you can see that only houses 1 I am - 4 I feel - 6 I analyse - 7 I balance - 9 I perceive and 12 I believe are being used the others empty houses are used during the 9 year.

You can see a double ruminator (2) Alternators (2) Teachers (2) and Lecturers (2) so only 8 aspect shapes can be seen in the image as some lines are shared. 

DNA Codons for the 1 year are as follows….

CAC CAT CGC CGT TAC TAT TGC TGT CAT TGC TGT - 12 Water, 12 Fire, 6 Earth, 6 Air

Nov - Dec - Jan repeat with Feb - Mar - April.

Looking at the patterns Green dominate the centre but there are blue and red aspects too so much can be achieved here in the 1 year. Energy that does not get used can become more irritable and jumpy so make sure you use the energies that are most suited to you if you're a number one and don’t let that rumination go to waste. I have observed that when two shapes make a double shape one end is always left open I wonder why that might be.

Enjoy your thinking. 

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