Friday 19 January 2024

A Brooch denoting your DNA


Here we have some DNA Jewellery designed to show your DNA codon and in turn your Nine Star Ki.

Top one is GGC 7/7  - bottom left is ATC 3/1 and bottom right CTC 2/1 Nine star ki.

Obviously all 64 codons will make up a different brooch. My own is as follows …

Here we have TGC 1/7 - T in the position of Aries in the first section of 4 houses….then we have G in Libra and in the second section of 4 hours…..finally we have C Pisces which is in the 3rd section of four. 
Interesting to note that me and my sisters all have our final position in Pisces. Two of us are Pisces one is a Gemini and another Sagittarius (my niece). Another reason that in running variations of many ways to present codons you find out more than you originally knew. Who would have thought 2/1 CTC would be the same for a Piscean or a Sagittarius. Or that we all had Pisces water in common. I also have an Aries friend who is a 2/1, little clues hiding in plain site. So many ways to present ourselves. X 

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