Thursday 4 January 2024

The Six Crystals of The I Ching Hexagrams


I call this image The Record of Life as it shows all 64 codons of DNA found within the patterns of The I Ching. The first three outer rows belong to the 6/6 - 2/2 Crystal. Starting at the East point with AAA or three green lines those three lines continue all the way around the circle and contain 12 codons as found in the 6/6 crystal. This crystal is shown below. 

We see that the Hexagrams partner up with the opposite position in the crystal and it is how they are drawn up but not until you take the right hand side of the crystal including the peak at the top and flip it over do you have the perfect DNA Codon letters e.g. ACC bottom left pairs with CCT opposite but not until it is flipped on one side does ACC match up to TGG. So without a doubt the crystals are made as a continuing line of 12 codons but still we need to put them into a crystal shape before we see other partnerships. So the 6/6 - 2/2 Crystal is the entire outer edge of the record of life. The next row in from that is the 1/1 - 9/9 crystal as shown below. 

Again the same rules apply each hexagram matches up to its opposite position but in order to match the DNA letters the right hand side needs to be flipped over e.g. TGC will then match with ACG and all is well. The 1/1 - 9/9 crystal is found in the fourth fifth and sixth lines from the outer edge of the record. 

Next up is the double crystal. 

We see here that the two outer edges of the crystal partner up from the point of the Hexagram number with each other. The two rows at the centre of the crystal also match up to their opposite Hexagram number. There is a different aspect here though because they match that way to Hexagram numbers but they pair up with the outer left hand side matching up to the right hand side of the inner crystal. Which is why I always try to show this crystal as a double and not as a single crystal because they are entwined together without a doubt. 

We still flip the right hand side of the crystals the two columns to the right will flip and then match up to the two left hand side columns. Because this double crystal does not conform as simply as the first two crystals. You see the patterns but they work differently in this one and take up the 6 lines from the 7th to the 12th. Next up is the 8/4 - 7/3 Crystal. 

The format for this one is much the same as the 6/6 and the 1/1 matching Hexagrams opposite and if we flip the right hand side it will match DNA Codons. It takes up the 13th, 14th and 15th lines of the Record of Life. Finally we have the centre of the record in the Diamond Crystal which contains only four codons. 

This completes the Record of Life and its positions for the DNA Codons of The I Ching. 16th, 17th and 18th lines of the record. No need for slips here as they just pair up with the opposite. 

All of life itself is stored here…………play beautiful music. X 

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