Tuesday 16 January 2024

Soloman’s Temple for 16th, January, 2024

Tim for another game of Soloman’s Temple but I will show a few of the layers of the game as we go along…….

This first attempt has all 64 codons of DNA hidden within it but it contains 40 small triangles which is okay if your happy to settle for completing the game as you have shown all 64 codons within the pattern. That said 36 is the exact version of the game with the least amount of triangles to make up the codons so lets improve on the image above by moving a few things around. 

Thats better now we have a set of just 36 triangles……….but I am still not happy as there are 9 C Blue Water triangles, 8 Orange T Fire, 10 A Green Earth and 9 G Yellow Air/Tree Triangles. So Water and Air/tree are fine as they have 9 triangles each but Fire and Earth need to be balanced. 

Now we have the perfect game with 9 of each element……ah bliss…….the black dots on the image are places you cannot put any triangle because it would immediately create two codons the same. Somedays playing can be ten minutes I have been two days on this one………..it all depends you think you are skilled only to end up five days in and still not balanced. Have fun trying. X 

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