Monday 22 January 2024

DNA Codons, Nine Star Ki and your Birth Chart

Here we see the 12 part zodiac or crystal …… shows the section 1 T A G C as the largest portion. Section 2 is middling in size and section 3 is the smallest of them. Think Goldilocks. Each section shows the letters of DNA codons T G A C then the zodiac sign Aries to Pisces. It also shows the musical note played for that particular letter. 

So take your own DNA Codon mine is TGC and see that the section 1 is T Aries musical C, section two is G Libra F# and the third is C Pisces musical B. T to G is 180* and forms the red line of opposition. G to C forms a green line of the quincunx 150* and from C back to T forms a semisextile of 30*. This makes the shape of a Ruminator. Musically it plays C F# B. T is the dominant energy here with a lot of air/tree and a small measure of water. 

Another example would be GGG which is Gemini to Libra to Aquarius forming 3 blue lines of the grand trine of 120* a talent triangle in air/tree. All three sections are air/tree so a talent in communicating here. 

ATG would be Taurus Earth A - Leo T Fire - G Air/tree Aquarius forming 3 lines of A to T 90* red - T to G 180* red - G to A 90* red creating a Worker aspect shape. Musically C# - E - A#. Strong earth energy here medium fire and a splash of air/tree. 

ETC., It could be said this is like the Jin Jang sign turning inwards with the smaller part closest to the centre and the larger part on the outer parts and therefore more noticeable. 

You can work out the aspect shapes of DNA Crystals using the letters but you can draw up aspects in your own birthchart the same way. I seem to have a lot of quintiles and Bi-quintiles which I show below. All aspects can be measured around the chart and give you an insight into how you might function as a human being. X 

From this chart you also see that TGC is I am - I balance - I believe………..ATG I have - I will - I know etc., work out which traits belong to you from your nine star ki turned into DNA Codon. Have fun x 

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