Friday 5 January 2024

Nine Star Ki and its Directions.


Here we see the Nine Star Ki map based on number five being at the centre if we extrapolate this map it could go on forever and only the one at the very centre of the first map will have the four peaked piece of the puzzle after that full size jigsaw pieces will be required. They look different and they are all different numbers, colours but most of all the positioning of the jigsaw piece is important as it gives it the direction it wants to take. 

Take Number 1 Water in the middle at the bottom its dominant parts face both South and East hence the number 1 is associated with the S.E. Direction as too is the number 8 Earth bottom left hand corner. They are both pushing upwards and out towards the East in their motions. Water prefers Earth of the number 8. 

Numbers 3 and 4 are both tree/air energy and pushing upwards towards the South and outwards towards the West and are therefore associated with South Western ways of being. 

Number 9 Fire and 2 Earth dominate pushing down to the North and out to the West and are associated with the N.W. 

Number 7 and 6 both Metal Energy are pushing down to the North and inwards to the East hence associated with the North East. 

Number 5 at the centre pushes to the corners but receives from the cardinal points of North, East, South and West. 

So we all look the same the only thing that changes us is the directions our dominant points as making. Each piece has two dominants and two sub dominants. If you flow around the chart from the dominants you move all the way around in a clockwise direction, if you flow from the subdominants you move around the chart in an anticlockwise direction. 

So start pushing up South and East then move to push up to South and West, then pushing down North and out to the West then finally pushing down and inwards for North and East. Dominant flow moves us towards our more creative sides and subdominants will be less beneficial and more draining on the energy. 

What are your dominants and what would you like to achieve from them. Map of wider jigsaw with 5 at the centre which could go on forever. X 

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