Sunday 19 May 2024

36 Triangles of Soloman’s Temple

Here we have an example of the game Soloman’s Temple. You take all 64 codons of DNA and reduce them down to just 36 triangles within which you can read all of the letters as a codon. 64 x 3 letters = 192 triangles so reducing them down to 36 is quite a thing in itself. To make it even more of a perfect mix reduce them down to 9 of each of the four elements… orange…air/tree yellow…earth green and Water blue. On top of that the game can be played like this one with North or South directions of the triangle. It can also be played East West. I tend to play North South as molecules like to turn to face North so perhaps I should too. I have shown two examples the top one is lighter in tone as though the DNA is fading perhaps with age. The lower DNA samples are much brighter and more vibrant somehow perhaps those of a younger person. Remember the gaps between each triangle could be the space that God or MA takes so that it surrounds every triangle with love as it moves on its way. Every thought we have attracts what we require in our direction in order to learn, achieve and succeed or fail depending on the wavelengths we send out there. 

When you get codons like ATA it often follows with TAT and in creating these patterns it creates a blockage as you cannot add another triangle to them because it would mean creating two of the same codon. Not acceptable. So I have drawn up another image with a dot in the places which are blocked because they would repeat a pattern twice. 

So looking at this picture you see red dots everywhere that is because if we tried to place a triangle of any colour here then it would create two codons the same ……..the question mark shows a similar pattern but because it is Yellow G, Green A and Blue C placing a triangle here would be okay and you could continue to add to the puzzle. If you have AAA and place a triangle here of say T you will create two codons both TAA which is not allowed as no two patterns should repeat. If you look at this particular pattern you can see there are many blockages places you cannot expand on and yet you can always find a way to add to the pattern until you finish the game. Sometimes the game is finished with more than 9 of each element and it is still a game that is finished but it is not as tight and compact as it could be. It begs the question do codons like TAT, ATA, CGC etc., all create blockages in other ways within patterns of DNA. They are like an elbow you turn a corner with them. Do Palindromes create problems in DNA as do codons with three letters the same CCC GGG for example. Enjoy your thinking. X

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