Saturday 4 May 2024

Aspect Shape Pairings in Nine Star Ki

Let’s return to the pairings of aspect shapes in the nine star ki years. . .

No 1, 3 and 8 all contain Ruminators, Teachers and Lecturers as a pair,  those numbers in Nine Star Ki appear in the positions of the red L shape above.

No 4, 9 and 7 all contain Workers, Lecturers and Magicians as a pair, those numbers in Nine Star Ki appear in the positions of the green shapes above an oblong (2 squares) and a square. 

No 2 and 5 contain pairings of The Thinker and a pairing of two grand trines in fire and water and  are denoted by the yellow circle above.

No 6 stands alone and contains pairings of The Grand Trine in Earth and Tree/air then The Lecturer, this number appears in Nine Star Ki in the blue circle above. 

In the previous listing you can see all the years and aspect shapes……notice how in all 9 numbers the lines create a 9 sided shape within the circle. Also open spaces occur when a pairing come together but do not close off at the bottom or top some openings are 30* some 90* and create a pincer effect easiest to see in the Ruminator as though they are a pair of scissors cutting through everything. 

Enjoy your thinking. X 

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