Saturday 25 May 2024

The Aspects Shapes and Their Partnerships

We see here the relationships between the 8 shapes or aspect patterns that DNA can make. Top left The Grand Trine with The Lecturer… Top right The Ruminator with The Worker… bottom left The Alternator with the Thinker and bottom right The Teacher with The Magician. Obviously different variations of the shape can pair with other DNA Codons so long as one of the lines matches. So we have the great talent of the Grand Trine pairing with the Lecturer……..such talent is University level learning so long as you use that red energy to get things done. Talent wasted because it comes easy is such a waste. The Ruminator spends a lot of time in contemplation before working something out and all that hard work finally pays off. Then we have the Thinker with The Alternator I wonder if these people are often in two minds, they might think hard on something only to switch paths at the last minute and think something else, perhaps thinking is their down time and working hard is their alternative way of being reaching their goals in the end. Finally we have the Teacher and The Magician and we all have a Teacher in mind who was like a magician to us they made learning fun so we wanted to learn and it was never a hardship. Middle school level of thinking with a Magician for a Teacher means you can on to that University degree in the end. Notice how some combinations bring in an extra element to the mix TGC - TGA have all four elements at work here.   I guess learning is what life is all about. Enjoy your thinking this weekend. X  

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