Monday 13 May 2024

The Aspect Shapes in Degrees of a Circle

 I have long wondered why The Teacher and The Thinker create triangles within the circle of the astrology chart that only add up to 300* and not 360* as is expected….

The Grand Trine 120* + 120* + 120* = 360*

The Alternator 180* + 120* + 60* = 360*

The Magician 150* + 150* + 60* = 360*

The Lecturer 90* + 120* + 150* = 360* 

The Ruminator 180* + 150* + 30* = 360*

The Worker 180* + 90* + 90* = 360*

The Teacher 90* + 60* + 150* = 300* ************

The Thinker 30* + 120* + 150* = 300* ***********

Puzzling………and yet if we look to the circle and forget the inner lines or chords we create a circle in sections of 3 rather than the triangle itself. In doing that the 300* becomes 360* again. 

It is as though the journey starts from a 1 point moves to the 2 point then moves to the 3 point but must return to 1 point again by going around the outside………The Thinker and The Teacher are the smallest aspect shapes in DNA & The I Ching and don’t take up much of the circle as a triangle inside but the journey back to the starting point is how we make up the missing 30*. Perhaps the Thinker and the Teacher have a longer road to travel before coming Grand Trines and Lecturers. Enjoy your thinking x 

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