Wednesday 1 May 2024

Relationships between 3 and 4 Partners in Nine Star Ki

 Number three: Outgoing or inflexible, thunder, can be frightening, explosive energy, determination, persevere and concentrate on what you want to achieve, extremely sensitive, need to stop for rest, lots of vibrant energy, soon lose interest and move onto something new, knows how to create opportunities, rash, pushing forward, take caution, learn patience, do not exhaust yourself, open and kind hearted, frank and yet easily hurt themselves, they can become lonely until they learn to balance this, you can only be satisfied with what YOU have done, strong, don't bite off more than you can chew. Thunder can be scary but once its over the air is cleared and you can breath easy again. Short and to the point but don't linger on it. Full of ideas, another one can be along in a moment do not be distracted by too much choice. Vibrant and new. What can be more natural than a thunderstorm or more exhilarating people will sense you coming. Give something your attention if you want to succeed and don't take on too much and risk complete breakdown, you find it hard to sit still for very long learn to be more patient. Your catchphrase could be..........and anyway back to something more interesting. Don't become isolated solitude is not good for you.

Four: Influential or opinionated, gentle or forceful like the wind, tender and affection in social situations, a natural gift for chatter, changing feelings, need to add more depth to the conversation, try to catch the wind, seeds scattered you may want to catch them all are you being caring or greedy and pleasure seeking. Can respond emotionally, your success comes to you from the help you give others winning over hearts and minds rather than creating great wealth, you want to be well thought of, your like the wind and can change direction in an instant, can someone be too easy going, too adaptable, focus on your own needs once in a while, don't give in to the will of others too easily, give first and don't have expectation of receiving anything in return.

You don't just want people to like you, it is imperative. If you find you are attracting situations where people don't like you, you will say I don't care what other people think of me, that's the problem you do. You are a caring person and want to help out whenever you can, do you really care or do you just want people to like you. This is an area that will be of great importance to you. Your like the wind, ever changing direction, bringing warm air, sometimes a decided chill. You're changeable but that need not be a bad thing, stagnation is not for you, you don't sit still long enough to stagnate. Nursing and caring for others, being prepared to sit and have a little chatter with someone when they need it, what's not to like, you go the extra mile. If you scatter seeds to the winds and try to catch them all it will be too much for you to choose only those things you can bring to fruition for all the right reasons and you will be fine. If you just want everything and all of it, greed gets in the way. Don't allow yourself to be worn out in your bid to be well liked, make sure it's genuine. Don't do something and then complain about it, it's not real then, put your energy into worthwhile projects. 

Musically Number 3… C# D E G G# B

                 Number 4… C D# F F# A A#

Together they cover all notes in the Octave.

DNA Letters No3 C Blue Water 14 - T Orange Fire 10 - A Green Earth 7 - Air/tree Yellow 5

         4 C Blue Water 6 - T Orange Fire 6 - A Green Earth 12 - G Yellow Air/tree 12

Fire and Water dominate in the number 3 working above ground and Earth and Air/tree dominate in the number 4 working below ground. 

Amino Acids No. 3 Threonine (4) Isoleucine (3) Alanine (3) Valine (2)
                             4 Glutamine (4) Arginine (2) Stop (4) Tryptophan (2)

Connections between amino acids are harder to work out. Except to say that 3 is all about STOP markers the only number that is. 

Aspect shapes No. 3 Alternator (4) Ruminator (3) Teacher (3) Lecturer (2)
                              4 Alternator (4) Magician (3) Worker (3) Lecturer (2) 

Here we have Alternators and Lecturers the same with Ruminator and Teacher in number 3 opposite to Magician and Worker in 4 which is often a pairing. 

Number 3 Hydrophobic 7 Hydrophilic 0 Neutral 5
              4 Hydrophobic 2 Hydrophilic 6 Neutral 4

Definitely Number 3 prefers to be hydrophobic and Number 4 Hydrophilic. 

Number 3 planets Jupiter dominates (14) Saturn (4) Mercury (2) mars (2) Venus (2)
              4 planets Jupiter dominates (14) Saturn (4) Mercury (1) Mars (1) Venus (4)

Similar but number 3 leaning towards mars and mercury with 4 leaning towards venus. 

Aspects of number 3 contain that Ruminator stretcher across the centre of the chart number 4 chart has the bigger Magician as its focus. Between them they use all 12 houses of he map. Combined we have…

The top shows 3 and 4 combined and the bottom red circles denote ares three lines cross and potentially contain data…….my free style doesn’t always make the lines as neat as they should be my apologies but you get the giste. 

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