Tuesday 30 April 2024

Relationships between partners 2 & 5 and Number 6 in Nine Star Ki

 Number 2 and number 5 - Supportive and Submissive all about motherhood and the need to be mothered. It's nurturing, gentle, receptive and quiet. You understand things can take time and have the patience to wait for them. You are supportive, self sacrificing, a person who gets things done quietly. Your reserved, devoted but you need time to develop. Conservative and worriers, wanting to take the lead would be a mistake, be a second assistant and don’t go for leader until you know you're ready. The tortoise often wins the race. Number 2 enjoys company, it is one of a pair, being alone is not an option, land and property of interest here as they are long term investments. Earth nature is associated with banks along the river and banks for you to store the money you make. You're not a fool and will look after your money. Until you feel secure it's okay to keep those stabilisers on your bike and nurture yourself too and not just everyone around you. You can relax when you feel you have done enough to feel secure and have made your family secure too. Note how the babbling brook of the number one runs through the river banks of the number 2. 1 and 2 have now made a connection. We are now a body of Earth such as the sandstone that allows the water to run through it to purify it, we are the land at the cross point of ley lines where spiritual energies meet. Too much water and the Earth is water logged and turns to mud, not a good experience for water or Earth as these elements can be destructive or creative towards each other. Add the tree energy of the number 3 and you will begin to soak up some of that water and problem solve enabling more creativity than destruction. Balance in all things. With number 1 it was all about you now it's all about us. Number 2 is sensual energy, womanhood and the Earth both displaying their curves. A trip somewhere like the Lake District will show you what I mean. The landscape is so curvaceous and sensual with bumps in all the right places. The body of the number 2 wants to be touched by someone else. Black is the colour associated with number 2 earth. The black soil added to your flower borders that just bring it alive and feed and nurture it. Almost as though 2 has now become 1 again. The energy of the number 2 sits opposite the Earth energy of the number 8 which is highly motivated with great clarity 2 and 8 have a partnership that adds up to the perfect ten when they meet up at the centre with the earth number 5. They are all about Earth our Spiritual Mother. You have done the number 1 slot and have now moved onto the number 2 so combining forces comes naturally to you and you have no desire to go it alone. Motherhood is your priority but career wise, building, farming, investing and banking could be of interest. These days protecting the Earth will be a priority for you. Taurus - I have - is the first Earth sign which needs to build its self esteem and can do that by the things they surround themselves with in material ways though your self esteem can grow through your achievements too. Virgo - I analyse - the second Earth sign is all about caring for others, health matters and being orderly right down to the last detail. You can bank on this Earth sign to make sure the figures add up. Detail is their middle name. Finally the C.E.O. Third Earth sign - Capricorn - I use / I utilise the MC of the astrology chart he now has social standing and a position in society he can be proud of which will help his self esteem no end. He got to C.E.O in the end the turtle often does. Let's hope he does not want to stand on a pedestal like goats do. They raised themselves up and may well want to make sure you know it. Make sure you are proud of your achievements for yourself and not to impress others. Earth signs operate differently but they are all Earth and we should appreciate them for that because we chose to make our lives here on Mother Earth and perhaps we should nurture her as much as she nurtures us. Earth is a more solid substance than water so can be grounding especially to those who may want to be a bit more spiritual, they are prone to wanting to bring them back down to Earth. Watch for the critical side of the Virgo Earth who can cut others to the quick in a bid to make them see it their way.

Number 6: Leader or Dominator, Father figure, descending from the Heavens, clarity, perfection, pride, or rigid, inflexible and arrogant. Parents good fortune is at its peak, noble intentions, can conquer difficulties if they don't become defensive, calculating nature so not comfortable in social situations, doing it your way only can isolate, persevere through tough times. Let people choose their own way even if yours seems better. Orderly and precise, lets hope those you met on the way up remember you kindly in your descent. You will have gifts to deliver in your descent make sure you pass them on. This energy can be Heavenly or domineering dependant on how you handle it. Out of order comes everything else, be the nicest boss ever. 

2 and 5 Earth energy is supported by the number 9 and in turn supports the numbers 6 and 7. Earth is controlled by 3 and 4 Air/tree and controls 1 Water.

6 Metal is supported by Earth and supports 1 Water both Metal 6 & 7 is controlled by Fire Metal controls 3 and 4 Air/tree

Aspect shapes for 2 and 5 can be seen in the image below…

Aspect shapes for number 2 and 5 are Grand Trine 4 - Thinker 8 Interestingly there is no Red in the 2/5 chart only Blue and Green so gentle thoughts lets hope it has the energy to get those ideas out there. 

Aspect Shapes for the number 6 Grand Trine 4 - Lecturer 8 

Both numbers only have two variations on Aspect Shapes Number 2 focussed on Thinker and number 6 focussed on Lecturers. This chart has Blue, Green and Red aspects so is more likely to get things done. Large shapes here in the main and can you see that springboard supporting the base. 

Houses 2 & 5 …1 - 4 - 5 - 8 - 9 - 12

Houses 6 … 2 - 3 - 6 - 7 - 10 - 11 

Together all houses are used……As are all musical notes 

Music 2 & 5 C D# E G G# B

Music 6        C# D F F# A A# 

Number 2 & 5 Hydrophobic 9 Hydrophilic 3 No Neutrals

Planet's associated with 2 & 5 Saturn dominates 16 - Mercury 1 - Jupiter 4 - Mars 1 - Venus 2

Planets associated with the number 6 Venus dominates 14 - Saturn 4 - Mercury 1 - Jupiter 4 - Mars 1 

Amino acids…

Numbers 2 & 5 …Proline 4 - Leucine 3 - Serine 3 - Phenylalanine 2  

Number 6 ……….Lysine 4 - Arginine 3 - Glutamic Acid 3 - Glycine 2

No apparent connections.

DNA letters 2 & 5 C Water Blue 21 - T Fire Orange 15 Zero A Earth and Zero Air/Tree

DNA letters for 6……C Blue Water Zero T Orange Fire Zero A Green Earth 21 G Yellow Air/tree 15

2 & 5 have no Earth or air/tree and 6 has no fire and water………2 & 5 are above the ground and number 6 is below the ground perfect partnership. 

In this image the red circles denote the data connections within the chart where three lines cross close to each other there seems to be a more balanced amount of data points in this chart with as many up top as there are below. This is a very full and busy chart of all colours with no lines of opposition passing through the centre so the centre of this chart is empty with a hexagon shape from the green lines. 

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