Wednesday 24 April 2024

All About the Number 3 in Nine Star Ki, Astrology, I Ching and DNA Codons

Number 3…outgoing or inflexible, thunder, can be frightening, explosive energy, determination, persevere and concentrate on what you want to achieve, extremely sensitive, need to take time to stop and rest, lots of vibrant energy, soon lose interest and move onto something new, knows how to create opportunities, rash, pushing forward, take caution, learn patience, do not exhaust yourself, open and kind hearted, frank and yet can easily be hurt themselves, they can become lonely until they learn to balance this, you can only be satisfied with what you have done, strong, don’t bite off more than you can chew. You love nothing more than a new beginning, always happy to start over with a new project. Same old same old is not for you. Thunder can be scary but also exciting and once it's over the air is cleared and you can breathe easy again. Short and to the point don’t linger on it. Full of ideas, another one can be along at any moment don't be distracted by too much choice. Vibrant and new. What can be more natural than a thunderstorm or more exhilarating, people will sense you are coming before you arrive. Give something your attention if you want to succeed and don’t take on too much and risk complete breakdown. You find it hard to sit still for very long, learn to be more patient. Your catchphrase could be “and anyway back to something more interesting” usually ‘me’ listening to something that does not hold your interest is a strain for you. Don’t become isolated, solitude is not good for you. You can tend towards trivial things and make them grow out of proportion, learn to let go especially if they are not that important. New beginnings and new ideas is the best place for your energies to be spent. You are very honest but therein lies a problem when it comes to tact. Don’t ask a number 3 if your bum looks big in this. You are spontaneous and therefore can live in the moment but this can lead to mistakes but you do learn from them. Attention to details is not your strong point. Genes and family history can be very interesting to you and the health problems and benefits that can bring. Better informed than ignorant. Number 3 is the house of Gemini the twins and ruled by Mercury so you are often in two minds. The number 3 itself is ruled by Jupiter in Nine Star Ki so can big things up a lot. The pillars of Stonehenge remind me of the Gemini sign, great things are hidden here. Gemini - I think says it all about Air/tree signs - Libra I balance and seek harmony in relationships with others in the 7th house of air/tree and finally Aquarius the 11th house of Hopes and dreams, independance, freedom and individuality, think a breeze for some air/tree and the freedom fighter for others. Number 3 is opposite to the number 7 in the Nine Star Ki chart and they are attracted to each other though 7 Metal is an energy that can cut the 3 energy down to size in an instance. Think Hedge v Metal clippers. Not always a bad thing if number 3 is getting out of control but finding the balance point at the centre with the number 5 is the best way to make use of this perfect ten and find the joy in the number 7 too. Number 3 plants the seed number 7 reaps the rewards so best to keep it all balanced. The aspect shapes for the number 3 year are The Alternator (4) - The Ruminator (3) - The Teacher (3) - The Lecturer (2) We also find with this pattern the cross over Ruminator we first saw in the number 1 chart. 1 Supports number three in the elements so it's no surprise they have similar traits. 1 Water supports both 3 and 4 air/tree and 3 and 4 air/tree supports 9 fire. This chart is dominated by The Alternator work one minute rest the next, second choice is The Ruminator so now we see where all those ideas have come from, Teacher and Lecturer show the ability to learn from life's lessons The Teacher teacher and The Lecturer lecturing you in the big things. Large learning v smaller learning… doubt The Lecturer will put you wise in life from time to time and you would be a fool not to learn that lesson. 

The number 3 relates to crystals in this way - 6/6 (3) - 8/4 (1) Double (5) 1/1 (2) - Diamond (1) so we can see this is the first time a number has had a connection to all 6 crystals 6/6 is the dominant because although it appears to be The Double that comes from a crystal twice the size. The musical notes for a 3 year are C# D E G G# B the missing notes can be found in the number 4 partner year. Jupiter rules and dominates the number 3 in Nine Star Ki and the planets are as follows Jupiter (14) Saturn (4) Mercury (2) Mars (2) Venus (2) Saturn in next top planet but with a much reduced 4. The elements from DNA Letters are C (14) T (10) G (5) A (7) this energy is strongest above Earth with C and T dominating. There are 4 amino acids as follows: Threonine (4) Isoleucine (3) Alanine (3) Valine (2) with Threonine dominating. There are (5) Neutral (7) Phobic and no sign of any Hydrophilic markers. The aspect shapes are made up in the circle as follows: (2) 120* trine  (2) 60* sextile Blue aspects (2) 180* opposition (2) 90* square (1) Semisextile 30* aspect. Blue aspects are strong here. So perhaps they can find some peace from time to time. The house actually in use here are 2 Taurus I have - 3 Gemini I think - 5 Leo I will - 8 Scorpio I desire - 9 Sagittarius I perceive and 12 Pisces I believe. The missing six houses are utilised in the paired 4 year.

DNA Codons for the 3 year as as follows:


Again as in the number 1 energy here that does not get used can make you jumpy, nervous, anxious or irritable. There is creative energy here and it needs to be used so don’t let that rumination go to waste. Obviously the 3/3 GCC energy has double the qualities listed here with that double dose of the number 3. 

Jupiter is associated with the lungs of the Earth as you breathe in the lungs expand and when you breathe out (Saturn) your lungs reduce, Jupiter is all about expansion in so many ways. Imagine the soil before spring relatively barren but once spring has sprung the greenery expands constantly throughout the 3 and 4 parts of the year green leaves and growth in farming for sure but in wealth and prosperity too. 3 and 4 works hard to expand on its position in life and earn even if it is an earnings plan for the future like pensions, insurance etc., You can bank on your achievements here for a pleasant time in the opposite retirement years of the number 7. If you don’t work hard here then the 7 years will be sparse. Jupiter is the go to planet in the astrology chart to check out your good fortune. 

The aspect shapes in a 3 year:

The Alternator...180 x 120 x 60 

This aspect has a back and forward feeling to it, alternating energies, working, playing as long as you finish what you start before you fall back into play you will be able to achieve your goals. The corner where the two lines meet is the outlet for this energy which varies from codon to codon. Work hard and then rest is fine because you know how to generate the work and it must be done before you fall back into easy ways, thats the key to your success as is the outlet or house the blue corner points to. The alternator changes between two contrasting conditions, there is no happy medium here. Find that balance between the two. Only when your engine is running will you be recharging your battery, then you can take that energy and run with it, have fun with it, but you need to return to work and activity in order for those batteries to be recharged once more. Become too laid back and you won't have the energy to do anything. 

The Ruminator....180 x 150 x 30 

This can be a volatile, emotional energy, creating increased stress and anxiety levels, agitation can be released through the house at the point where the two green lines meet. Learn to control the stressful situations in your life, take control, don't over think them. Once you get control over this active thinking energy you can bring about spells of originality and creativity and much can be achieved from it. Intelligence used intelligently. Risk takers can be found here who believe in their own abilities and will benefit from being able to absorb so much information which they can later put to good use. They will go on a journey taking them to the edge and beyond pushing back boundaries that previously existed, for example as an athlete breaking previous records, a scientist taking a step further into the outer field finding new plants growing the likes of which have never been seen before. You get the idea, you are going to the edge...feel the fear but take one step at a time, assess, reassess but please keep on going something new is about to be discovered.

The Lecturer...90 x 150 x 120 

There are large lessons to be learned in life that come up for you time and again until learned. There is a karmic feel to them and they might seem like hard work but once the lesson sinks in the rewards will be great and definitely worthwhile. Think about what comes up for you time and again and learn to handle it differently. It may well still come up but your way of coping will make all the difference. Lessons of a higher nature perhaps spiritual or connected to law, philosophy, even your in laws. You have the ability to work, rest and play, think, act and manifest. There is much to be gained here if you listen to the lecture. A lesson with a teacher will be easier to learn because the Teacher is in control. In a Lecture the level of work you put in is down to you, you either win or fail. Your choice.

The Teacher... 90 x 150 x 60 

You specialise in something in particular. There is much learning to be done but you will enjoy the learning purely for the sake of learning. Not so much of a karmic feel to the Teacher as there is to the Lecturer. You can work, rest and play, think, act and manifest but not on such a grand scale but with more ease. Perhaps being a teacher is a natural progression for you. Learn something, teach someone else. Like second nature to you to pass things on. Learning with the Teacher is easier than the Lecturer because you have someone checking your progress, live and learn. 

Amino acids in a 3 year… 

Threonine... Neutral  used for nervous system, spinal disorders, MS, creates glycine and helps with unwanted muscle contractions. Changed in the body to a chemical called Glycine, used to treat nervous disorders, spinal spasticity, multiple sclerosis, it reduces muscle spasms, needed for healthy bones and teeth, essential as it cannot be made by the body, helps with antibodies in immune system problems, helps the body synthesise Glycine and Serine which are vital to many bodily functions, in excess can cause liver problems and a buildup of ammonia toxicity in the body, there are four codons ACC, ACT, ACA, ACG.  All found in the Earth quadrant of the I Ching.

Isoleucine... hydrophobic - stabilises blood sugar levels, increases glucose uptake, used in the treatment of burns, metabolism, essential we get this from food as it is not produced in the body, excess Iso can lead to body fat storage, there are three codons ATC, ATT, ATA (but not ATG which is the MET Start codon) All found in the Earth quadrant of the I Ching. 

Alanine... Hydrophobic... enlarged prostate, liver disease, stress, urea disorders, can help with schizophrenia. Some Alanine have a left handed and others a right handed action sometimes creating a mirror image of each other. Can be made in the body, does not require food to make it, increases muscle mass in the elderly, increases performance when exercising, four codons GCC , GCT, GCA, GCG. All found in the Air/tree quadrant of the I Ching.

Valine... hydrophobic... muscle building, repairs tissue damage, lack of it can cause damage to the nerve endings causing neurological issues, needed from foods as the body cannot produce it without, encourages normal human growth, regulates blood sugar and a lack of it can diminish mental function, four codons for Valine... GTC, GTT, GTA, GTG. All found in the air/tree quadrant of the I Ching.

The I Ching Hexagrams found in a 3 year - Hex 24, 27, 3, 42, 51, 21, 17 and 25. 

Centre, NW/SE - S/N - W/E - SE/NW - Centre - NE/SW - N/S - SW/NE all directions available to the number 3 

ACC - ACT - ATC - ATT appear in the Earth Quadrant of the I Ching The Word and GCC - GCT - GTC - GTT appears in the Air/tree quadrant. 

Fresh air and tree energy go hand in hand. 

Colours associated with 3 tree/air energy………lime or minty green the colour of the new growth on the trees and plants just as they are sprouting. 

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